CCMB Seminar: Mason Porter, PhD CCMB Seminar Series Event Series
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

In person 
Palmer Commons, Forum Hall

Remote (In person)
NCRC Building 520, Room 1140

Zoom link

About This Event

“Topological Data Analysis of Spatial Systems”


I will discuss topological data analysis (TDA), which uses ideas from topology to quantify the "shape" of data. I will focus in particular on persistent homology (PH), which one can use to find "holes" of different dimensions in data sets. I will briefly introduce these ideas and then discuss a series of examples of TDA of spatial systems. The examples that I'll discuss include voting data, the locations of polling sites, and the webs of spiders under the influence of various drugs.

Mason Porter, PhD

Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCLA
Professor, Department of Sociology, UCLA
External Professor, Santa Fe Institute

I am interested in numerous areas of applied mathematics, and I am always looking for new areas to try. Here are a few keywords describing areas in which I have already written research papers or have projects in progress:  

Nonlinear Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Nonlinear Waves (including solitary waves, compactions, etc.), Billiard Systems, Quantum Chaos, Granular Media, Nonlinear Optics, Atomic Physics (specifically, Bose-Einstein condensation), Network Science, Social Network Analysis,

Indika Rajapakse


Tags Bioinformatics
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