At Michigan Medicine research happens first in the lab. Find labs below organized by Medical School categories.

Baldridge Lab (Ryan Baldridge, PhD)
Bardwell Lab (James Bardwell, PhD)
Brito Querido Lab (Jay Brito Querido, PhD)
Chapman Lab (Matthew Chapman, PhD)
Cianfrocco Lab (Michael Cianfrocco, PhD)
Collins Lab (Kathleen Collins, MD, PhD)
DeSantis Lab (Morgan DeSantis, PhD)
Franceschi Lab (Renny Franceschi, PhD)
Freddolino Lab (Lydia Freddolino, PhD)
Giessen Lab (Tobias Giessen, PhD)
Hanson Lab (Phyllis I. Hanson, MD, PhD)
Joglekar Lab (Ajit Joglekar, PhD)
Kerppola Lab (Tom Kerppola, PhD)
Koropatkin Lab (Nicole Koropatkin, PhD)
Koutmos Lab (Markos Koutmos, PhD)
Koutmou Lab (Kristin Koutmou, PhD)
Moon Lab (Stephanie Moon, PhD)
Morrissey Lab (Jim Morrissey, PhD)
Mosalaganti Lab (Shyamal Mosalaganti, PhD)
Nandakumar Lab (Jayakrishnan Nandakumar, PhD)
Niederer Lab (Rachel Niederer, PhD)
O'Brien Lab (Pat O'Brien, PhD)
O'Meara Lab (Teresa O'Meara, PhD)
Pletcher Lab (Scott Pletcher, PhD)
Prensner Lab (John Prensner, MD, PhD)
Ruotolo Research Group (Brandon Ruotolo, PhD)
Todd Lab (Peter Todd, MD, PhD)
Vecchiarelli Lab (Anthony Vecchiarelli, PhD)
Walter Lab (Nils G. Walter, PhD)
NOBEL Lab (Carlos Aguilar, PhD)
Antonuk Lab (Larry Antonuk, PhD)
Arnold Lab (Kelly Arnold, PhD)
Biomechanics Research Laboratory (James Ashton-Miller, PhD)
Baker Lab (Brendon Baker, PhD)
Functional Imaging Group (Yue Cao, PhD)
Systems Biology and Drug Discovery Lab (Sriram Chandrasekaran, PhD)
Chester Lab (Cindy Chestek, PhD)
Unity Lab (María Coronel, PhD)
Draelos Lab (Anne Draelos, PhD)
Cell Adhesion and Drug Delivery Lab (Omolola Eniola-Adefeso, PhD)
Ultrasound Lab (Mario Fabiilli, PhD)
Sherman Fan Lab (Xudong (Sherman) Fan, PhD)
Computational Vascular Biomechanics Lab (C. Alberto Figueroa, PhD)
Franceschi Lab (Renny Franceschi, PhD)
Integrated Biosystems and Biomechanics Lab - IBBL (Jianping Fu, PhD)
Rehabilitation Biomechanics Lab (Deanna Gates, PhD)
Heemskerk Lab (Idse Heemskerk, PhD)
Direct Brain Interface Lab (Jane Huggins, PhD)
Lab for Optimization and Computation in Orthopaedic Surgery - LOCOS (Richard Hughes, PhD)
Jensen Lab (Karin Jensen, PhD)
Joglekar Lab (Ajit Joglekar, PhD)
Ultrasound Lab (Oliver Kripfgans, PhD)
NeuRRo Lab (Chandramouli Krishnan, PhD)
Skeletal Tissue Engineering Laboratory (Lisa Larkin, PhD)
Neuromodulation Lab (Scott Lempka, PhD)
Bioplasmonics Group (Somin Lee, PhD)
Lesher-Pérez Research Group (Sasha Cai Lesher-Pérez, PhD)
Leventhal Lab (Daniel Leventhal, PhD, MD)
Advanced Biotherapeutics Lab (Jiahe Li, PhD)
Laboratory of Integrated Brain Imaging (Zhongming Liu, PhD)
Active and Functional Soft Matter Lab (Brian Love, PhD)
Maerz Lab (Tristan Maerz, PhD)
Engineered Cellular Microenvironments (ECM) Lab (Geeta Mehta, PhD)
Systems Biology of Human Diseases (Deepak Nagrath, PhD)
Cardio Biomechanics Lab (David Nordsletten, DPhil)
Restorative Neuroengineering Group (Parag Patil, PhD, MD)
Paulus Lab (Yannis M. Paulus, FACS, MD)
Putnam Lab (Andrew Putnam, PhD)
Shikanov Lab (Ariella Shikanov, PhD)
Spence Lab (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Translational Tissue Modeling Laboratory (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Neural Engineering in Epilepsy Lab (William Stacey, M.D., PhD)
CMITE Lab (Jan Stegemann, PhD)
Tewari Lab (Muneesh Tewari, PhD, MD)
Thurber Lab (Greg Thurber, PhD)
Vander Roest Cardiac Mechanobiology Lab (Alison Vander Roest, PhD)
Optical Imaging Lab (Xueding Wang, PhD)
BioElectronic Vision Lab (James Weiland, PhD)
Histotripsy Group (Zhen Xu, PhD)
Altschuler Lab (Richard A. Altschuler, PhD)
Arvan Lab (Peter Arvan, MD, PhD)
Bardwell Lab (James Bardwell, PhD)
Castro-Lowenstein Lab (Maria G. Castro, PhD | Pedro Lowenstein, PhD)
Coulombe Lab (Pierre Coulombe, PhD)
Integrated Biosystems and Biomechanics Lab - IBBL (Jianping Fu, PhD)
Hammer Lab (Gary Hammer, MD, PhD)
Hanson Lab (Phyllis I. Hanson, MD, PhD)
Heemskerk Lab (Idse Heemskerk, PhD)
Joglekar Lab (Ajit Joglekar, PhD)
Khoriarty Lab (Rami Khoriaty, MD)
Spatial Biodynamics Lab (Changyang Linghu, PhD)
Mosalaganti Lab (Shyamal Mosalaganti, PhD)
Stem Cell Core Lab (Sue O'Shea, PhD)
Parent Lab (Carole Parent, PhD)
Pasca di Magliano Lab (Marina Pasca di Magliano, PhD)
Pearring Lab (Jillian N. Pearring, PhD)
Spence Lab (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Translational Tissue Modeling Laboratory (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Spriggs Lab (Chelsey Spriggs, PhD)
Vecchiarelli Lab (Anthony Vecchiarelli, PhD)
Verhey Lab (Kristen Verhey, PhD)
Weisman Lab (Lois Weisman, PhD)
Athey Lab (Brian D. Athey, PhD)
Draelos Lab (Anne Draelos, PhD)
Freddolino Lab (Lydia Freddolino, PhD)
Lana Garmire Group (Lana Garmire, PhD)
Michigan Kidney Translational Medicine Center - MiKTMC (Matthias Kretzler, MD)
Mills Lab (Ryan E. Mills, PhD)
Najarian Lab (Kayvan Najarian, PhD)
Proteomics & Integrative Bioinformatics Lab (Alexey Nesvizhskii, PhD)
Maom Lab (Matthew O'Meara, PhD)
Parker Lab (Stephen CJ Parker, PhD)
Rajapakse Lab (Indika Rajapakse, PhD)
Systems Imaging & Bioinformatics Lab (Arvind Rao, PhD)
Sartor Lab (Maureen Sartor, PhD)
Speliotes Lab (Elizabeth K Speliotes, MD, PhD, MPH)
Antonellis Lab (Anthony Antonellis, PhD)
Bielas Lab (Stephanie Bielas, PhD)
Camper Lab (Sally Camper, PhD)
Cheung Lab (Vivian Cheung, MD)
Ginsburg Lab (David Ginsburg, MD)
Hammoud Lab (Sue Hammoud, PhD)
Kohrman Lab (David Kohrman, PhD)
Kalantry Lab (Sundeep Kalantry, PhD)
Chromatin Neurobiology Lab (Shigeki Iwase, PhD)
Lukaszewicz Lab (Agnieszka Lukaszewicz, PhD)
Martin Lab (Donna Martin, MD, PhD)
McLoughlin Lab (Hayley McLoughlin, PhD)
Meisler Lab (Miriam Meisler, PhD)
Mills Lab (Ryan E. Mills, PhD)
Moon Lab (Stephanie Moon, PhD)
Mueller Lab (Jacob Mueller, PhD)
Narla Lab (Goutham Narla, MD, PhD)
Parker Lab (Stephen CJ Parker, PhD)
Prasov Lab (Lev Prasov, MD, PhD)
Rajesh Rao Lab (Rajesh Rao, MD)
Shavit Lab (Jordan Shavit, MD, PhD)
Wilson Lab (Thomas Wilson, MD, PhD)
Zhang Lab (Xinjun (Jun) Zhang, PhD)
SocialWorlds Research Group (Mark S. Ackerman, PhD)
EMERSE (David Hanauer, M.D, MS, FACMI, FAMIA)
Balunas Research Group (Marcy Balunas, PhD)
Carruthers Lab (Vernon B. Carruthers, PhD)
Transplant Biology Program (Marilia Cascalho, MD, PhD | Jeffrey L. Platt, MD)
Collins Lab (Kathleen Collins, MD, PhD)
Goldstein Research Lab (Daniel R. Goldstein, MD)
Green Lab (Michael Green, MD, PhD)
Grigova Lab (Irina Grigorova, PhD)
Huang Microbiome Lab (Yvonne Huang, MD)
Huffnagle Lab (Gary Huffnagle, PhD)
Computational Immunobiology of Tuberculosis Lab (Denise Kirschner, PhD)
Koropatkin Lab (Nicole Koropatkin, PhD)
Lauring Lab (Adam Lauring, MD, PhD)
Martens Lab (Eric Martens, PhD)
Mobley Lab (Harry L. T. Mobley, PhD)
Bethany B. Moore Lung Immunobiology Lab (Bethany B. Moore, PhD)
O'Meara Lab (Teresa O'Meara, PhD)
O'Riordan Lab (Mary O'Riordan, PhD)
Raghavan Lab (Malini Raghavan, PhD)
Sandkvist Lab (Maria Sandkvist, PhD)
Schloss Lab (Patrick Schloss, PhD)
Shenoy Lab of Barrier Immunobiology (Anukul Shenoy, PhD)
Snitkin Lab (Evan Snitkin, PhD)
SoRelle Collaborative Epstein-Barr Virus Lab - scEBV Lab (Elliott SoRelle, PhD)
Spindler Lab (Katherine R. Spindler, PhD)
Spriggs Lab (Chelsey Spriggs, PhD)
Swanson Lab (Joel Swanson, PhD)
Telesnitsky Lab (Alice Telesnitsky, PhD)
Wang Lab (Yifan Wang, DVM, PhD)
Arvan Lab (Peter Arvan, MD, PhD)
Anumonwo Lab (Justus Anumonwo, PhD)
Borjigin Lab (Jimo Borjigin, PhD)
Carter-Su Lab (Christin Carter-Su, PhD)
Hammer Lab (Gary Hammer, M.D., PhD)
Skeletal Tissue Engineering Laboratory (Lisa Larkin, PhD)
Leiser Lab (Scott Leiser, PhD)
Lopatin Lab (Anatoli N. Lopatin, PhD)
Lyssiotis Lab (Costas A. Lyssiotis, PhD)
MacDougald Lab (Ormond MacDougald, PhD)
Michele Lab (Daniel E. Michele, PhD)
Moenter Lab (Suzanne Moenter, PhD)
Mortenson Lab (Richard Mortensen, MD, PhD)
Murphy Lab (Geoffrey Murphy, PhD)
Pletcher Lab (Scott Pletcher, PhD)
Rainey Lab (William Rainey, PhD)
Samuelson Lab (Linda C. Samuelson, PhD)
Savier Lab (Elise Savier, PhD)
Anand Team (Jessica Anand, PhD)
Birdsong Lab (William Birdsong, PhD)
Michigan Otolaryngology and Translational Oncology Laboratory - MiOTO (J. Chad Brenner, PhD)
Brody Lab (Matthew Brody, PhD)
Courtney Lab (Adam Courtney, PhD)
Ferrario Lab (Carrie Ferrario, PhD)
Greineder Lab (Colin Greineder, MD, PhD)
Hastings Lab (Michelle Hastings, PhD)
Holinstat Lab (Michael Holinstat, PhD)
Jenkins Lab (Paul Jenkins, PhD)
D. Jones Lab (David Jones, PhD)
Jutkiewicz Lab (Emily Jutkiewicz, PhD)
Kennedy Group (Robert T. Kennedy, PhD)
Levitt Lab (Erica Levitt, PhD)
Lorberbaum Lab (David Lorberbaum, PhD)
Mortenson Lab (Richard Mortensen, MD, PhD)
Parent Lab (Carole Parent, PhD)
Puthenveedu Lab (Manojkumar Puthenveedu, PhD)
Neuromodulation Lab (Scott Lempka, PhD)
Coulombe Lab (Pierre Coulombe, PhD)
Sex Discrepancy in Autoimmune Disease/Billi Lab (Allison Billi, MD, PhD)
Psoriasis Genomics and Pathophysiology Research Program (James T. Elder, MD, PhD)
Aging Skin and Photobiology of Skin (Gary J. Fisher, PhD)
Skin Immunology in Autoimmunity/Gudjonsson Lab (Johann E. Gudjonsson, MD, PhD)
Greineder Lab (Colin Greineder, MD, PhD)
Najarian Lab (Kayvan Najarian, PhD)
Primary Care Rural Screening Project (Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD)
Diane M Harper Lab (Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH, MS)
Abdel-Latif Lab (Ahmed Abdel-Latif, MD, PhD)
Alumkal Lab (Joshi Alumkal, MD)
Anumonwo Lab (Justus Anumonwo, PhD)
Arvan Lab (Peter Arvan, MD, PhD)
Beamish Lab (Jeffrey "Jeff" Beamish, MD, PhD)
Virtual Physiological Rat Project (Daniel Beard, PhD)
Brody Lab (Matthew Brody, PhD)
Byrd Lab (J. Brian Byrd, MD, MS)
Camper Lab (Sally Camper, PhD)
Chey Lab (William D. Chey, MD)
Dickson Lab (Robert Dickson, MD)
Espinoza-Fonseca Group (L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca, PhD)
Ganesh Lab (Santhi Ganesh, MD)
Ginsburg Lab (David Ginsburg, MD)
Goldstein Research Lab (Daniel R. Goldstein, MD)
Hammer Lab (Gary Hammer, MD, PhD)
Higgins IBD Research Group (Peter D.R. Higgins, MD, PhD, MSc)
Huang Microbiome Lab (Yvonne Huang, MD)
Huffnagle Lab (Gary Huffnagle, PhD)
Inoki Lab (Ken Inoki, M.D., PhD)
D. Jones Lab (David Jones, PhD)
Kahlenberg Lab (J. Michelle Kahlenberg, MD, PhD)
Khoriarty Lab (Rami Khoriaty, MD)
Antiphospholipid Syndrome Research Labs (Jason S. Knight, MD, PhD | Yu (Ray) Zuo, MD, MSCS)
Kozik Lab (Ariangela Kozik, PhD)
Michigan Kidney Translational Medicine Center - MiKTMC (Matthias Kretzler, MD)
Lauring Lab (Adam Lauring, M.D., PhD)
Lawrence Lab (Daniel A. Lawrence, PhD)
Leiser Lab (Scott Leiser, PhD)
Mi Asthma Research (Njira Lugogo, MD)
Lyssiotis Lab (Costas A. Lyssiotis, PhD)
MacDougald Lab (Ormond MacDougald, PhD)
Markovitz Research Group (David M. Markovitz, MD)
Michele Lab (Daniel E. Michele, PhD)
Bethany B. Moore Lung Immunobiology Lab (Bethany B. Moore, PhD)
Morrissey Lab (Jim Morrissey, PhD)
Mortenson Lab (Richard Mortensen, MD, PhD)
Narla Lab (Goutham Narla, MD, PhD)
Pennathur Lab (Subramaniam Pennathur, MD)
Schmidt Lab (Thomas Schmidt, PhD)
Schuler Group (Charles Schuler, MD)
Shenoy Lab of Barrier Immunobiology (Anukul Shenoy, PhD)
Snitkin Lab (Evan S. Snitkin, PhD)
Soleimanpour Lab (Scott Soleimanpour, MD)
Speliotes Lab (Elizabeth K Speliotes, MD, PhD, MPH)
Spence Lab (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Stidham Lab (Ryan Stidham, MD, MSc)
Translational Tissue Modeling Laboratory (Jason R. Spence, PhD)
Tai Lab (Andrew W. Tai, M.D., PhD)
Tewari Lab (Muneesh Tewari, PhD, MD)
Turcu Lab (Adina Florina Turcu, MD, MS)
Waljee Lab (Akbar Waljee, MD, MSc, AGAF)
Wang Lab (Thomas D. Wang, MD, PhD)
Weiss Lab (Stephen J. Weiss, MD)
Willer Lab (Cristen Willer, PhD)
Woods Lab (Robert Woods, MD, PhD)
Antonellis Lab (Anthony Antonellis, PhD)
Barmada Lab (Sami Barmada, MD, PhD)
FNiCoMo Lab (Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD)
Costa Lab (Maria do Carmo Pereira da Costa, PhD)
Leventhal Lab (Daniel Leventhal, PhD, MD)
Ivanova Lab (Magdalena Ivanova, PhD)
Mattis Lab (Joanna H. Mattis, M.D., PhD)
McLoughlin Lab (Hayley McLoughlin, PhD)
Meisler Lab (Miriam Meisler, PhD)
Restorative Neuroengineering Group (Parag Patil, PhD, MD)
Paulson Lab (Henry Paulson, MD, PhD)
Neural Engineering in Epilepsy Lab (William Stacey, MD, PhD)
Tidball Lab (Andrew Tidball, PhD)
Brain Tumor Microenvironment Lab (Wajd N. Al-Holou, MD)
Borjigin Lab (Jimo Borjigin, PhD)
Craniofacial Lab (Steven R. Buchman, MD)
Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratories (Maria G. Castro, PhD | Pedro Lowenstein, PhD)
Machine Learning in Neurosurgery Lab - MLiNS (Todd Hollon, MD)
Hammoud Lab (Sue Hammoud, PhD)
Diane M Harper Lab (Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH, MS)
Moenter Lab (Suzanne Moenter, PhD)
Mueller Lab (Jacob Mueller, PhD)
Smith Lab (Gary D. Smith, PhD)
Ehrlich Research Group (Joshua R. Ehrlich, MD, MPH)
Fort Lab (Patrice E. Fort, PhD, MS)
Miller Lab (Jason M. Miller, MD, PhD)
Paulus Lab (Yannis M. Paulus, FACS, MD)
Pearring Lab (Jillian N. Pearring, PhD)
Prasov Lab (Lev Prasov, MD, PhD)
Rajesh Rao Lab (Rajesh Rao, MD)
Savier Lab (Elise Savier, PhD)
BioElectronic Vision Lab (James Weiland, PhD)
Woodward Lab (Maria A. Woodward, MD, MS)
Biomedical Imaging and Biomechanics Lab (Guan "Gary" Xu, PhD)
Alford Lab (Andrea Alford, PhD)
Hankenson Lab (Kurt Hankenson, DVM, MS, PhD)
Orthopaedic Research Laboratories (Kurt Hankenson, DVM, MS, PhD)
Lab for Optimization and Computation in Orthopaedic Surgery - LOCOS (Richard Hughes, PhD)
Jepsen Lab (Karl J. Jepsen, PhD)
Killian Abraham Lab (Megan Killian, PhD)
Kozloff Lab (Ken Kozloff, PhD)
Maerz Lab (Tristan Maerz, PhD)
Michigan Performance Research Lab (Ronald Zernicke, PhD, DSc)
Altschuler Lab (Richard A. Altschuler, PhD)
Apostolides Lab (Pierre Apostolides, PhD)
Michigan Otolaryngology and Translational Oncology Laboratory - MiOTO (J. Chad Brenner, PhD)
Brenner Lab (Michael J. Brenner, MD, FACS)
Corfas Lab (Gabriel Corfas, PhD)
Duncan Lab (R. Keith Duncan, PhD)
King Lab (W. Michael King, PhD)
Kohrman Lab (David Kohrman, PhD)
Keller Lab (Evan T. Keller, DVM, PhD, MPVM)
Proteomics & Integrative Bioinformatics Lab (Alexey Nesvizhskii, PhD)
Bielas Lab (Stephanie Bielas, PhD)
Cheung Lab (Vivian Cheung, MD)
Ginsburg Lab (David Ginsburg, MD)
Chromatin Neurobiology Lab (Shigeki Iwase, PhD)
Martin Lab (Donna Martin, MD, PhD)
Direct Brain Interface Lab (Jane Huggins, PhD)
Adapted Cognitive Assessment Laboratory (M-ACAL) (Jacqueline Kaufman, PhD | Seth Warschausky, PhD)
Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory (J. Todd Arnedt, PhD | Helen Burgess, PhD)
Athey Lab (Brian D. Athey, PhD)
Speech Neurophysiology Lab (Soo-Eun Chang, PhD, CCC-SLP)
Jenkins Lab (Paul Jenkins, PhD)
Antonuk Lab (Larry Antonuk, PhD)
Balter Lab (James Balter, PhD)
Functional Imaging Group (Yue Cao, PhD)
Center for Tumor Radiobiology & Immunotherapy in Cancer - CenTRIC (Michael Green, M.D., PhD)
Lawrence Lab (Theodore S Lawrence, MD, PhD)
Ljungman Lab (Mats Ljungman, PhD)
Morgan Lab (Meredith Morgan, PhD)
Systems Imaging & Bioinformatics Lab (Arvind Rao, PhD)
FNiCoMo Lab (Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD
CAD-AI Lab (Heang-Ping Chan, PhD)
Radiology 3T Research MRI Lab (Thomas Chenevert, PhD | Dariya Malyarenko, PhD)
Ultrasound Lab (Mario Fabiilli, PhD)
S Galban Lab (Stefanie Galban, PhD)
Humphries Lab (Brock Humphries, PhD)
Functional MRI Lab (John Jonides, PhD | Douglas C. Noll, PhD)
Craniofacial Lab (Steven R. Buchman, MD)
Transplant Biology Program (Marilia Cascalho, M.D., Ph.D. | Jeffrey L. Platt, MD)
Neuromuscular Lab (Paul S. Cederna, MD | Stephen Kemp, PhD | Theodore A. Kung, MD)
Translational Tumor Immunology Lab (Alfred E. Chang, MD | Qiao Li)
Cho Lab (Clifford Suhyun Cho, MD, FACS)
Corriere Lab (Matthew A. Corriere, MD, MS)
Davis Lab (Frank M. Davis, MD)
Computational Vascular Biomechanics Lab (C. Alberto Figueroa, PhD)
Frankel Lab (Timothy L. Frankel, MD)
S Galban Lab (Stefanie Galban, PhD)
Gallagher Lab (Katherine A. Gallagher, MD)
Henke Lab (Peter K. Henke, MD, FACS, FAHA)
Holinstat Lab (Michael Holinstat, Ph.D.)
Jobst Pre-Clinical Research Group
Thoracic Surgery Cancer Biology Lab (Laura A. Kresty, PhD, MS)
Lubman Lab (David M. Lubman, PhD)
Mulholland Lab (Michael W. Mulholland, MD, PhD | Wei-Zhen Zhang, MD, PhD)
Myers Lab (Daniel D. Myers, DVM, MPH, DACLAM)
Newman Lab (Erika A. Newman, MD)
O'Rourke Lab (Robert W. O'Rourke, MD)
Pasca di Magliano Lab (Marina Pasca di Magliano, PhD)
Raghavendran Lab (Krishnan Raghavaendran, MBBS)
Extracorporeal Life Support - ECLS Lab (Alvaro Rojas-Pena, MD)
Seeley Lab (Randy Seeley, PhD)
Michigan Center for Translational Pathology (Arul Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD)
Hammoud Lab (Sue Hammoud, PhD)
Keller Lab (Evan T. Keller, DVM, PhD, MPVM)
Morgan Lab (Todd Matthew Morgan, MD)
Mueller Lab (Jacob Mueller, PhD)
Palapattu Lab (Ganesh Palapattu, MD, FACS, FRCS)
Pitchiaya Lab (Sethu Pitchiaya, PhD)
Endourology Translational Research Lab (William Woodruff Roberts, MD)
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