Conducting Research at the VA Ann Arbor Health System
Image of the VA hospital building in Ann Arbor, MI

Find information on navigating research between the U-M and the VA.

While the University of Michigan maintains a close partnership with the Veterans Affairs (VA) Ann Arbor Health System, these two entities are separate employers with their own unique requirements and research processes. Below, you can find information on specific topics related to navigating research between the U-M and the VA.

U-M/VA Faculty Appointments

Faculty conducting research between the U-M and the VA Ann Arbor Health System should hold a dual appointment. Departments are required to report and track VA Ann Arbor Health System appointments for their faculty. Faculty Affairs provides information on setting up, tracking, and managing dual appointments here:

For additional questions about dual appointments, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) are required annually for all faculty who have a dual UM-VA appointment AND external research funding (either at the U-M or VA). The MOU should outline all professional responsibilities mutually arranged by the U-M and the VA. Annual templates containing MOUs, cost share, and HR distribution information can be found here: 

For additional questions about MOUs, contact the Grant Services & Analysis Office at

If you have significant sponsored research effort, review the UM-VA MOU information above. For additional questions, contact the Grant Services & Analysis Office at to understand impacts to sponsor tracking and reporting. 

Unfunded Agreements (Data Use, Material Transfer, Non-Disclosure, etc.)

An Unfunded Agreement (UFA) is any research-related contract that does not involve payments from sponsors. This includes Data Use Agreements (DUAs), Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), and others. Before unfunded research activities can be carried out, written contracts that document expectations and responsibilities must be in place. Since the U-M and the VA are separate institutions, all data generated and research occurring at these entities should remain with the corresponding entity until formal UFAs are in place. Additional information about types of UFAs and how to submit them at each institution can be found here: 

For additional questions about UMMS UFAs, contact the Grant Services & Analysis Office at

For additional questions about VA UFAs, contact Christine Basmajian at

Research Compliance

Investigators with a dual UM-VA appointment conducting human research between institutions can find more information to help navigate these processes here:

For additional questions about human research compliance at the U-M, contact the IRBMED at

For additional questions about human research compliance at the VA, contact the VA IRB coordinator

Investigators with a dual UM-VA appointment conducting animal research between institutions can find more information to help navigate these processes here:

For additional questions about animal research compliance at the U-M, contact the Animal Care and Use Office at

For additional questions about animal research compliance at the VA, contact the VA IACUC Coordinator.

Staff Assignment

The Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program allows temporary work assignment of employees between U-M and federal agencies by executing an IPA Assignment Agreement. The Medical School reviews and provides Dean’s (School) and institutional (ORSP) approvals for IPAs executed with the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System. 

IPAs are used when U-M staff are on assignment to the VA OR when VA staff are on assignment to U-M to complete research projects. 

More information can be found here:

Note: University employees on IPA Assignment Agreement to the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System will need to complete additional paperwork with the VA as part of the onboarding process to gain access to VA facilities and systems.

For additional questions about IPA Assignment Agreements from the U-M, contact the Grant Services & Analysis Office at

For additional questions about IPA Assignment Agreements from the VA, contact the VA representatives listed here

Additional Resources