A component of the University of Michigan's Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and a unit of the Office of Research, the six Institutional Review Boards of the University of Michigan Medical School (IRBMED) oversee human subjects research conducted at the Medical School and Michigan Medicine. This includes research conducted off-site by University faculty and staff when acting as University employees or in connection with their University appointments.

We look forward to working with you.

An update to eResearch Regulatory Management will be released Monday, December 16. Updates include system-generated exemption functionality as well as a new question about current study team members.
IRBMED is charged with protecting the rights and welfare of participants in clinical trials and other human subjects research studies. IRBMED is responsible for monitoring compliance with federal and state laws, university policies, and ethical principles (particularly those articulated in the Belmont Report).

IRBMED offers numerous downloadable templates to assist researchers in creating informed consent and assent documents. In addition to standard consent and assent templates, several specialty templates, for use in specific types of research situations, are also offered. You can search and bookmark any template in Research A-Z.

The goal of IRBMED’s Education Program is to meet the ongoing educational needs of the research community. In addition to in-person classroom education on an assortment of relevant topics, IRBMED also offers multimedia presentations (U-MIC), which are short videos and voiceover slide shows that address topics relating both to ethics in human subjects research and to IRB procedures.

Members of the boards complete assigned reviews of submissions, and access materials for Convened meetings, through the eResearch(link is external) Regulatory Management (eRRM) portal.

The IRBMED protects the rights and welfare of participants in clinical trials and other human subjects research studies by careful review and monitoring of research per applicable laws, regulations, and University policies.
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
IRBMED has full accreditation by they Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc.