Calendar Review & Analysis Office

Our analysts and support specialists are here to assist investigators and study teams conducting clinical research. 

Frequently Asked Questions
Photo of a man and woman sitting in front of a computer that is open to CTMS sharepoint

The Clinical Research Calendar Review & Analysis Office (CRAO) assists principal investigators and study teams conducting clinical research by providing analysts and support specialists who facilitate the building and completion of the billing grid (calendar) that interfaces with MiChart, review required core documents for alignment with Medicare and University policies and provide clinical research billing analysts who will audit and work to have clinical research billing errors corrected. 

How the Calendar Review & Analysis Office Supports Research
Partnership with the Clinical Trials Support Office

We are a strategic partner with the Clinical Trials Support Office and Support Units. CRAO creates billing calendars for all Human Subject clinical trials that have billable items and services to ensure consistency across the protocol, informed consent, billing calendar, budget, and contract, and to allow for the appropriate adjudication of charges.

Clinical Research Billing Guidance

The Clinical Research Billing (CRB) process ensures that services provided as part of a clinical study are correctly billed to the sponsor or third-party payor. CRAO team members act as concierges throughout this process, which involves many organizations and requires institutional, state, and federal compliance.

Billing Calendar & Study Applications

Faculty and Staff initiating clinical research must submit a billing calendar as part of the IRB application. CRAO will review all of the study-related documents (protocol, informed consent, billing calendar, budgets, grants/contracts) and complete a Medicare Coverage Analysis in addition to a billing calendar review in order for CRAO to review and approve.

Clinical Research Tools

OnCore is Michigan Medicine's clinical trials management system (CTMS), providing complete subject and financial management. It allows for automated standard interfaces with MiChart, which helps reduce duplicate data entry and integrates clinical research billing for increased efficiency and accuracy.

Contact Us
Calendar Review & Analysis Office
Medical School Office of Research
North Campus Research Complex, Building 520
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone Number: 734-998-6880
Health Information Technology & Services (HITS) Phone Number: 734-936-8000
About Us

The Calendar Review & Analysis Office is part of the Office of Research, where our mission is to foster an environment of innovation and efficiency that serves the U-M Medical School community and supports biomedical science from insight to impact.

For Clinical Research Billing and Coding concerns, contact [email protected]

Upcoming Research Events All Office of Research Events
Waivers, Alterations, and Alternative Forms of Informed Consent
This course offers an overview of some special situations relating to informed consent. Specifically, waivers and alterations of informed consent, waivers of documentation of informed consent, and obtaining consent from non-English speakers.
A man listens to a lecture. Others are in the background, also listening to the lecture.
Flow and Cookies on Med Campus
Have a delicious, free cookie and listen to Flow Cytometry Core experts speak about services and instrumentation capabilities.
Event runs January 14, 2025 - April 08, 2025
Intro to Single-Cell Analysis Workshop
Join us for the Single-Cell Analysis Workshop to better understand single-cell RNA-Seq data analysis.
" "
Reporting AEs, ORIOs, and Unanticipated Problems
This course will identify what constitutes an Adverse Event, ORIO, and Unanticipated Problem and how such events impact risk to subjects. Additionally, the course will review the requirements of reporting such events to the IRB and other entities.
A person takes notes during a presentation
AI & Aging: Innovations and Challenges for Global Health
Join e-HAIL and the Michigan AI Lab for AI & Aging: Innovations & Challenges for Global Health - an in-person discussion on the opportunities and challenges of AI-powered tools and approaches to enable healthy aging globally.
e-HAIL discussion 24
Amendments and Continuing Reviews
This course is a follow-up to Initial Project Applications and will examine the process for submitting amendments and scheduled continuing reviews to IRBMED using eResearch once a project’s initial application has been approved.
A woman sitting at a desk participating in a zoom event
CTSO Education Program Listening Tour
The Clinical Trials Support Office is hosting a series of listening sessions dedicated to understanding the needs and preferences of investigators for training opportunities and resources.
Event runs February 07, 2025 - February 28, 2025
A person with a laptop and a cup of coffee participating in a zoom event
Flow and Cookies at NCRC
Help yourself to a cookie and learn how the Flow Cytometry Core can enhance your research. Core experts will speak about services and instrumentation capabilities.
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards and Data Safety Monitoring Plans
This course will review when studies are required to have a DSMP or DSMB and how to develop an appropriate DSMP. A DSMB is an independent group that advises the study team regarding subject safety, study conduct, and efficacy. The DSMB will also make recommendations concerning the continuation, modification, or termination of the trial. A DSMP outlines how subject safety and data integrity will be maintained to ensure the validity of collected data.
A person with a laptop and a cup of coffee participating in a zoom event
Featured Research News All Office of Research News Photo of Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S.
Office of Research
Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S., Appointed Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the Medical School
Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S., appointed Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the Medical School, effective March 10, 2025.
FFMI Innovation Studio
Office of Research
Sign Up Today! Innovation Studio Offers Feedback on Your Biomedical Innovation
Join the Fast Forward Medical Innovation (FFMI) team for Innovation Studio, 30-minute virtual consultations that give life science innovators of all levels the chance to address project needs, challenges, or questions.
FFMI Nyati Rogel Innovation page
Office of Research
Applications Open for Rogel Cancer Center Innovation Program
Project-based consultations from experts in a variety of fields to address questions, needs, and resources