Fast Forward Medical Innovation
We offer a series of videos that highlight topics surrounding industry interaction.
The Fast Forward Medical Innovation Interacting with Industry videos leverage the expert understanding and experience of the FFMI Business Development team as they take a deep dive into the important concepts of How to Pitch to Industry and The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): When, How, and PI Responsibilities.
How to Pitch to Industry teaches how to pitch your idea to an industry partner, including what to keep in mind, market potential, stage, and next steps.
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): When, How, and PI Responsibilities teaches how to navigate a situation when you may be approached by an industry representative about a potential collaboration after a presentation, at a conference, or through your network. What protections need to be put in place to protect you, the university, and the industry partner?
Fast Forward Medical Innovation offers a comprehensive collection of educational programs and training tailored for busy faculty, students, clinicians, and researchers across the University of Michigan, and across the state, region, and nation.
Get an idea of what topics will discussed in this video series designed to help you put together and present an effective pitch to industry.
Do you know the top three things to keep in mind when pitching your idea to an industry partner? Learn how to prepare your pitch for a specific audience while staying brief.
What is the size of the audience or the potential patient impact? When pitching to industry, use these tips to best illustrate the potential for your idea.
How do you put the stage of your research in perspective for an industry partner? Learn how to articulate the stage of your research specific to the industry partner’s interests.
After you have successfully shared your idea with an industry partner, what’s next? Understand what it takes to secure that follow up meeting… and don’t forget to get their contact information!
Learn how the BD team can help guide you through the NDA process to create a positive outcome for you as the PI, along with the industry partner. Understand the key elements: when, how and your responsibilities.
What should you keep in mind as an investigator when talking to industry? When confidential information is being shared, it is important to know the steps involved in the NDA process.
Once it is established that you need a NDA, how do you go about putting one in place? This video outlines the steps involved and who your key contacts at the U-M are to quickly put a NDA in place and begin the collaboration with an industry partner.
Now that you have the NDA in place, what are your responsibilities as a PI? What type of NDA is protecting your information and what are the terms and conditions involved? Remember, the NDA is just the beginning of a meaningful collaboration with an industry partner.
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2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800