Research Newsletters, Researchpalooza & Listservs
Researchpalooza attendees

Breakthroughs are taking place every day at the University of Michigan Medical School, and we're excited to talk about them!

The Medical School Office of Research produces a number of newsletters and events that connect across our research enterprise.

If you're a member of the press, please reach out directly to the media team in Michigan Medicine's Department of Communication.

If you're a member of our U-M research community interested in learning more about how to share your good news, publicize an event, or even find resources for poster publishing, check out the Communications Toolkit on the Department of Communication Sharepoint site (login required).

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MM Department of Communication
Research News

The Medical School Office of Research publishes Research News, as well as a number of other electronic newsletters, to help faculty and staff stay up-to-date on the latest funding opportunities, policies, events, and other biomedical news here at the University of Michigan.

  • Sign up to receive Research News and other email newsletters from Office of Research units
  • Got news? CLICK HERE to submit your article, signage, social media, or podcast idea to editors across campus
  • Looking for the answer to the latest Research News trivia question? CLICK HERE
Save the Date - Wednesday, September 18

Join the UMMS Office of Research for this event hosting dozens of exhibitors from labs and offices of the Medical School and across campus.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
1150 West Medical Center Drive
(Driveway on the north side of the MSRBs)

Researchpalooza is the perfect opportunity for colleagues and friends to have a great time and meet, mingle, and learn more about many of the organizations that offer their stellar services to faculty, students, and staff, all at one convenient time and location.

Researchpalooza takes place in the driveway north of the MSRB buildings


Exhibiting Organizations

Advanced Genomics Core
Animal Care & Use Program
Biomedical Research Core Facilities
Biomedical Research Store
Calendar Review & Analysis Office (CRAO)
Central Biorepository
Clinical Trials Support Office
Data Office
Epigenomics Core
Fast Forward Medical Innovation
Flow Cytometry Core
Grant Services & Analysis
Health Lab
Medical School Office of Research
Metabolomics Core
Microscopy Core
Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
Proteomics Resource Facility
Regulatory Affairs
Research Pharmacy
Taubman Health Sciences Library
Transgenic Animal Model Core

Is your organization interested in exhibiting at Researchpalooza? CLICK HERE to sign up for a table. Questions? Contact Ann Curtis at [email protected].


Two listservs, one for faculty and one for staff, are available for exchanging scientific ideas and making inquiries to the University of Michigan Medical School research community regarding scientific protocols, resources, expertise, and potential collaborators. These two listservs were created and are managed by the Office of Research, and have been found to be valuable resources.

Users are limited to members, and any member may send a message. The listservs are moderated to ensure that members receive only messages related to research and our research environment.

Faculty Listserv: faculty-research-xchange

  • The faculty-research-xchange is used for issues that are:  a) relevant to a large number of members, b) related to research development or administration, and c) that are either particularly time sensitive or unlikely to be effectively communicated through another medium. An example is a PI trying to identify interested collaborators in a transdisciplinary funding opportunity. Seminars, workshops, and funding opportunities are not included, as other sites accommodate these activities.
  • Membership is managed via a database, therefore Medical School research faculty are automatically included in the faculty-research-xchange.
  • To send a message to the faculty-research-xchange, prepare the subject line and body of the email as you would like it to appear to the members of the listserv, and send the email to [email protected]. The email message will go to the moderator of the listserv who will then forward it to the group if appropriate.
  • Faculty members also have the option to join the staff-research-xchange for other inquiries, e.g., resource sharing (see below).

Staff Listserv: staff-research-xchange

  • The staff-research-xchange is used mainly by laboratory research project faculty and staff for issues regarding hands-on materials, equipment, procedures and analyses, e.g., recommendations for a vendor; share extra resources; ask for advice regarding materials.
  • Membership is managed via an opt-in MCommunity group called staff-research-xchange.
  • To send a message to the staff-research-xchange, prepare the subject line and body of the email as you would like it to appear to the members of the listserv, and send the email to [email protected]. The email message will go to the moderator of the listserv who will then forward it to the group if appropriate.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or comments.

Contact Us
Office of Research
University of Michigan Medical School
Phone: 734-615-1332
7313 Medical Science I Building
1301 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5624

North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
Building 520, 3rd Floor
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800