Fast Forward Medical Innovation
We offer on-demand videos that explore various concepts and considerations critical to research commercialization and technology development.
The Fast Forward Medical Innovation Idea to Impact webinar series: The Translation & Commercialization of Academic Research is intended to educate and connect life science researchers and academic innovators interested in the commercialization of academic research.
The series outlines the significance and critical milestones of developing novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, and digital health innovations, as well as essential collaborations with industry partners to translate a research-based idea into a product of impact.
Fast Forward Medical Innovation offers a comprehensive collection of educational programs and training tailored for busy faculty, students, clinicians, and researchers across the University of Michigan, and across the state, region, and nation.
Finding Your “WHY,” as it relates to commercialization, is an important element of fulfillment and provides purpose to how you choose to spend your time and resources. Join Brad Martin, as he underscores the significance of, and provides clarity to, the process of commercializing research discoveries so academics can discover their “WHY” and be connected to enabling resources.
This webinar will provide a high-level look at the critical milestones and timelines for translating your therapeutic innovation to clinical reality, paying special attention to the unique impact clinical context and regulatory considerations have on your development pathway. Hear from therapeutic innovator Mukesh Nyati, Ph.D., as he discusses the preclinical development of a novel small molecule that selectively inhibits dimerization of active EGFR as a therapy for TKI resistant lung cancer.
This webinar will provide a high-level look at the critical milestones and timelines for translating your digital health idea to clinical reality, paying special attention to the unique impacts customer discovery and monetization strategies have on your development pathway. Hear from digital health innovator Jimo Borjigin, PhD, as she discusses the ongoing development of Electrocardiomatrix (ECM), a software tool for the early identification of atrial fibrillation in patients at risk for stroke.
This webinar will provide a high-level look at the critical milestones and timelines for translating your medical device or diagnostic idea to clinical reality, paying special attention to the unique impacts regulatory considerations and clinical utility have on your development pathway. Hear from medical device innovators Hitinder Gurm, M.D., and Robert Chisena, Ph.D., and Albert Shih, Ph.D., as they discuss their path to commercial development for The Pulse, a novel angioplasty system for treating atherosclerosis.
This webinar will explore translational research of the four product verticals (medical device, diagnostic, therapeutic, and digital health) at the University level, and how to determine the translational research required to reach a viable “exit” in the form of licensing to a start-up or existing company. Throughout the webinar, various translational research funding opportunities and resources will be presented to help you reach your goal.
This presentation will close the loop on exit strategies for your spinout and discuss when you should license and when you should seek venture capital for your company. Participants will learn how venture capitalists evaluate companies, what you can do to prepare, and local resources to pursue first.
Securing research funding is a competitive sport. Diversifying research funding to include industry dollars can enhance an investigator’s research portfolio and successfully drive their research. This webinar will introduce viewers to the various roles of industry collaboration: collaboration to licensing, sponsored research, clinical trials, and consulting.
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2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800