Nicole M Koropatkin, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
[email protected]

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Nicole M Koropatkin, PhD
Associate Professor
  • About
  • Qualifications
  • Center Memberships
  • Research Overview
  • Recent Publications
  • About

    My lab seeks to understand how human gut bacteria recognize and import the carbohydrates that transit the intestinal environment. The glycan landscape of the gut is constantly changing through the variety of foods that we eat. Mucus shed from the epithelial lining contains complex sugars that are also food for these bacteria. The types and abundance of these different carbohydrates shapes the composition of the gut community. In other words, our diet, in part, determines which bacteria we carry in our intestine. This is important because these bacteria produce metabolites, including short chain fatty acids and processed host bile acids, that influence our health and the outcome of various diseases such as diabetes, obesity, colorectal cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease.

    Our work is “bacteriocentric” in that we study the unique physiological features of gut bacteria that allows them to harvest carbohydrate nutrition and therefore thrive in the host. Much of our work is centered on the structure and function of bacterial cell surface proteins that directly recognize, process, and import carbohydrates. A primary technique we use to understand this process is x-ray crystallography, which allows us to visualize the molecular features of this interaction. We also use biophysical techniques such as isothermal titration calorimetry to measure the affinity and energetics of protein-carbohydrate interactions. We can then make predictions about how individual proteins drive glycan uptake and test hypotheses in vivo by deleting or mutating the genes encoding these proteins to determine how bacterial growth is affected. By collaborating with our colleagues on campus, including Julie Biteen (Chemistry, single molecule imaging), Brandon Ruotolo (Chemistry, native mass spectrometry) and Melanie Ohi (LSI, cryoEM), we can comprehensively examine how bacteria cell surface proteins move, interact with substrate, and assemble into functional complexes.

    • Postdoctoral Training
      Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St Louis, 2009
    • PhD
      University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2004
    • BS
      Pennsylvania State University, State College, 1998
    Center Memberships
    • Center Member
      Rogel Cancer Center
    Research Overview

    Bacteroides, Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes, Glycoside Hydrolases, Resistant Starch, Lipoproteins, Structural Biology, Protein Biophysics

    Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Preprint
      Acarbose Impairs Gut Bacteroides Growth by Targeting Intracellular GH97 Enzymes.
      Brown HA, Morris AL, Pudlo NA, Hopkins AE, Martens EC, Golob JL, Koropatkin NM. 2024 May 23; DOI:10.1101/2024.05.20.595031
      PMID: 38826241
    • Journal Article
      The Ruminococcus bromii amylosome protein Sas6 binds single and double helical α-glucan structures in starch.
      Photenhauer AL, Villafuerte-Vega RC, Cerqueira FM, Armbruster KM, Mareček F, Chen T, Wawrzak Z, Hopkins JB, Vander Kooi CW, Janeček Š, Ruotolo BT, Koropatkin NM. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2024 Feb; 31 (2): 255 - 265. DOI:10.1038/s41594-023-01166-6
      PMID: 38177679
    • Journal Article
      Multiple TonB homologs are important for carbohydrate utilization by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron.
      Pollet RM, Foley MH, Kumar SS, Elmore A, Jabara NT, Venkatesh S, Vasconcelos Pereira G, Martens EC, Koropatkin NM. J Bacteriol, 2023 Nov 21; 205 (11): e0021823 DOI:10.1128/jb.00218-23
      PMID: 37874167
    • Presentation
      Towards understanding how human gut Bacteroides respond to a drug for type 2 diabetes
      Koropatkin N. 2023 Oct 14;
    • Journal Article
      BoGH13ASus from Bacteroides ovatus represents a novel α-amylase used for  Bacteroides starch breakdown in the human gut.
      Brown HA, DeVeaux AL, Juliano BR, Photenhauer AL, Boulinguiez M, Bornschein RE, Wawrzak Z, Ruotolo BT, Terrapon N, Koropatkin NM. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2023 Jul 28; 80 (8): 232 DOI:10.1007/s00018-023-04812-w
      PMID: 37500984
    • Presentation
      A molecular view of dietary starch utilization by human gut bacteria
      Koropatkin N. 2023 Jul 1;
    • Presentation
      Bacterial recognition of dietary starch granules in the gut,
      Koropatkin N. 2023 Jun 28;
    • Journal Article
      Abstract 1800: The Role of TonB in Polysaccharide Utilization by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
      Pollet R, Martens E, Koropatkin N. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023 299 (3): s394 DOI:10.1016/j.jbc.2023.103747
    Featured News & Stories Nicole Koropatkin, PhD, (left) and Brenda Franklin (right), recipients of M&I 2024 EBS Awards
    Department News
    Announcing M&I 2024 EBS Awards: Congratulations to Nicole Koropatkin, PhD, and Brenda Franklin!
    M&I is proud to announce that Nicole Koropatkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, and Senior staff specialist Brenda Franklin were honored by the EBS with awards on Wednesday, July 17th.