Jennifer Nicole Stojan
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics and Program Director
Doctoring Training
[email protected]

Available to mentor

Jennifer Nicole Stojan
Clinical Professor
  • Recent Publications
  • Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Presentation
      OSCEs as a Mechanism for Assessment & Overview of Their Design
      Stojan J, Simmons E. 2024 Apr 23;
    • Journal Article
      Firearm Screening and Counseling in General Medicine Primary Care Clinics at an Academic Medical Center.
      Ladines-Lim J, Secrest K, Pu A, Sifuentes A, Spranger E, Stojan J, Meddings J. J Gen Intern Med, 2024 Jan; 39 (1): 147 - 149. DOI:10.1007/s11606-023-08379-x
      PMID: 37653204
    • Presentation
      The Class Project: How Group Findings
      Stojan J. 2022 Dec 7;
    • Journal Article
      Uncertainty about uncertainty tolerance: The elephants in the room.
      Haas M, Stojan JN. Med Educ, 2022 Dec; 56 (12): 1152 - 1154. DOI:10.1111/medu.14926
      PMID: 35980941
    • Presentation
      Clinical Skills Assessment and Standardization: "The Class Project"
      2022 Nov 14;
    • Journal Article
      Assessing changes in the quality of quantitative health educations research: a perspective from communities of practice.
      Wright KM, Gruppen LD, Kuo KW, Muzyk A, Nahmias J, Reed DA, Sandhu G, Shelgikar AV, Stojan JN, Uchida TL, Wallihan R, Hurtubise L. BMC Med Educ, 2022 Apr 1; 22 (1): 227 DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03301-1
      PMID: 35365144
    • Journal Article
      Remote learning developments in undergraduate medical education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A BEME systematic review.
      Stojan JN, Haas M, Thammasitboon S, Lander L, Evans S, Pawlik C, Pawilkowska T, Lew M, Khamees D, Peterson W, Hider A, Grafton-Clarke C, Uraiby H, Gordon M, Daniel M, Wolff M, Purkiss J, Stansfield B, Morgan H, Daniel M, Sandhu G, Monrad S, Ross P, Gay T, Tschirhart A, Yang J, Mullan P, Santen S. Medical Teacher, 2022 Feb 1; 44 (2): 109 - 129.
    • Journal Article
      Pivot to online learning for adapting or continuing workplace-based clinical learning in medical education following the COVID-19 pandemic: A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 70.
      Grafton-Clarke C, Uraiby H, Gordon M, Clarke N, Rees E, Park S, Pammi M, Alston S, Khamees D, Peterson W, Stojan J, Pawlik C, Hider A, Daniel M. Med Teach, 2022 Mar; 44 (3): 227 - 243. DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2021.1992372
      PMID: 34689692