Center For Healthcare Outcomes & Policy

CHOP evaluates healthcare delivery with an interdisciplinary team including health services researchers, clinician scientists, economists, biostatisticians, implementation scientists and qualitative experts. 

CHOP members discussing a presentation

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Learn more about education and training from the center.

Community & Mentorship at CHOP

CHOP offers broad range of in-person programming for faculty and trainees at every career stage and across multiple domains for healthcare outcomes and policy research. Members at CHOP within the Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation (IHPI) have access to a wide array of resources throughout the research and grant writing processes. Our goal is to foster mentorship and collaboration across the University of Michigan for investigators in the field of health outcomes research.

  • Friday Seminars: Every Friday, we gather in-person for a collection of didactic and work-in-progress sessions. 

  • K-Award Writing Group: The K-Award Writing group gathers on Friday afternoons for small group feedback on K awards. 

  • Mock Study Section: In partnership with the Institute for Health Policy and Innovation (IHPI), we host formal mock study sections with reviewers, to provide grant writers with robust feedback prior to their grant submission.

  • Data & Donuts: These educational sessions take place every other Tuesday during the academic year, so CHOP statisticians, fellows and staff can gather to brush up on their skills and learn new methods. 

  • Qual & Capps: These qualitative work-in-progress sessions with cappuccinos take place every other Friday afternoon during the academic year. 

  • Medicare 101: The CHOP team offers workshops to help orient members on new uses to the Medicare claims data. 
  • Writing for Impact: CHOP offers several workshops throughout the year focused on writing.
Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy
North Campus Research Complex
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Join Us
  • Interested in joining our team as a research assistant? Complete the CHOP Student Researcher Application, and we will be in touch if we have available opportunities that match your skill set.