People | Lubman Lab

Our Lab

Get to know the Lubman Lab team.

David M. Lubman, PhD
Principal Investigator
Phone: 734-615-2567
Maribeth A. Ford, BS
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 734-615-5081
Principal Investigator
David Lubman David M Lubman
Professor Emeritus of Surgery

Komal Abhange, PhD

Lead Research Specialist

Juan Chen

Visiting Scientist

Vadivalagan Chithravel, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Tanay Dakarapu

Undergraduate Researcher

Maribeth Ford, BS

Administrative Assistant

Yu Lin, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Analysis of glycoproteins in serum as biomarkers for HCC

Jie Zhang, BS

Lab Assistant

Zhe Zhang

Post-Doctoral Fellow

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