TEAM SCIENCE to improve the quality of cancer care for all patients

The Cancer Surveillance & Outcomes Research Team is an interdisciplinary group of investigators dedicated to researching cancer quality of care. We seek to understand and improve how patients and their providers communicate and make decisions about cancer treatments.

Overhead view of People standing in blue circle

CanSORT identifies actionable targets and informs strategies for interventions maximizing the impact of precision oncology and patient-centered care to reduce the burden of cancer.


We are an interdisciplinary group of investigators based at the University of Michigan. Our investigators are located at five universities and cancer centers throughout the United States.


Our interdisciplinary research team combines clinical, behavioral, and decision sciences within a scientific framework to close the gaps between findings in the social sciences and applications in community oncology practice.

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Research News
Cancer Network reports: Breast Cancer Survivors Do Not Undergo Genetic Counseling, Testing Despite Eligibility
iCanCare study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that female patients with breast cancer, across racial and ethnic subgroups, did not receive genetic counseling or testing, despite being eligible.
man and woman standing and smiling in front of scientific poster
Research News
Survey shows challenges in genetic testing in families with hereditary cancer syndromes
Drs. Katz and Kurian highlight their preliminary findings on challenges in genetic testing in families with hereditary cancer syndromes.
illustration of genetics and breast cancer treatment icons
Research News
Breast Cancer Patients with Inherited Genetic Mutation Receive Different Cancer Treatment
A new study finds the cancer treatment breast cancer patients with an inherited genetic mutation receive doesn't follow national guidelines.