CanSORT People
 Medical Professionals put hands into center

Investigators & Research Team

An interdisciplinary group of investigators based at the University of Michigan, representing researchers in the fields of internal medicine, surgery, radiation, oncology, nursing, behavioral science, health services research, biostatistics and epidemiology.

Our investigators are located at five universities and cancer centers throughout the United States, and at the Ann Arbor VA Center for Clinical Management Research. CanSORT is physically centered within the Institute of Health Policy and Innovation at the University of Michigan’s North Campus Research Complex.

Lawrence C. An Lawrence Chin-I An, MD
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Ann S. Hamilton, PhD, MA Ann S. Hamilton, PhD, MA
Professor, Department of Population and Public Health Sciences
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Sarah T. Hawley Sarah T Hawley, PhD, MPH
Maisel Research Professor of Cancer Control and Population Science
Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Director for Training, Internal Medicine
Professor of Health Management and Policy and Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education
Timothy P. Hofer, MD, MSc Timothy P Hofer
Professor of Internal Medicine
Steven J. Katz, MD, MPH Steven J Katz, MD, MPH
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Health Management and Policy
Allison Kurian, MD, MSc Allison Kurian, MD, MSc
Professor, Medicine (Oncology) and Epidemiology and Population Health
Stanford Medicine
Lihua Liu, PhD Lihua Liu, PhD
Associate Professor, Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences
Director and Principle Investigator, SEER Program
Kerk School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Archana Radhakrishnan, MD, MHS Archana Radhakrishnan, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Christine Veenstra, MD, MSHP Christine M Veenstra
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Lauren Wallner Lauren P Wallner, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Kevin C. Ward, PhD, MPH, CTR Kevin C. Ward, PhD, MPH, CTR
Director, Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Research Team
portrait of paul abrahamse Paul Abrahamse, MA
Lead Statistician
Rebecca Courser, MPH Rebecca Courser, MPH
Research Area Specialist
portrait of Allison Furgal, Ph.D. Allison Furgal, PhD
Senior Statistician