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Publications from the Henke Lab Team.
- Henke PK, Pearce CG, Moaveni DM, Moore AJ, Lynch EM, Longo C, Varma M, Dewyer NA, Deatrick KB, Upchurch Jr GR, Wakefield TW, Hogaboam C, Kunkel SL. Targeted deletion of CCR2 impairs deep vein thombosis resolution in a mouse model. J. Immunol. 2006;177(5):3388-3397. PMID: 16920980
- Henke PK, Varma MR, Moaveni DK, Dewyer NA, Moore AJ, Lynch EM, Longo C, Deatrick CB, Kunkel SL, Upchurch Jr GR, Wakefield TW. Fibrotic injury after experimental deep vein thrombosis is determined by the mechanism of thrombogenesis. Thromb Haemost. 2007;98(5):1045-1055. PMID:18001610
- Henke PK, Mitsuya M, Luke CE, Elfline MA, Baldwin JF, Deatrick KB, Diaz JA, Sood V, Upchurch GR, Wakefield TW, Hogaboam C, Kunkel SL. TLR9 Signaling is Critical for Early Experimental Deep Vein Thrombosis Resolution. Arteriosclr Thromb Vasc Biol 2011;31:43-9. PMID: 20966396
- Obi, AT, Diaz JA, Ballard-Lipka NL, Roelofs KJ, Farris DM, Myers DD, Lawrence DA, Wakefield, TW, Henke PK. PAI-1 overexpression decreases experimental post-thrombotic vein wall fibrosis by a non-vitronectin dependent mechanism. J Thromb Haemost 2014;12:1353-63. PMID: 24943740
- Gallagher KA, Obi AT, Elfline MA, Hogikyan E, Luke CE, Henke S, Coleman D, Henke PK. Alterations in macrophage phenotypes in experimental venous thrombosis. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord 2016;4(4):463-71. PMID: 27633001
- Obi AT, Andraska E, Kanthi Y, Kessinger CW, Elfline M, Luke C, Siahaan TJ, Jaffer FA, Wakefield TW, Henke PK. Endotoxaemia-augmented murine venous thrombosis is dependent on TLR-4 and ICAM-1, and potentiated by neutropenia. Thromb Haemost 2017;117(2):339-348. PMID: 27975098
- Diaz JA, Saha P, Cooley B, Palmer OR, Grover SP, Mackman N, Wakefield TW, Henke PK, Smith A, Lal BK. Choosing a mouse model of venous thrombosis: A consensus assessment of utility and application. Arteriosclr Thromb Vasc Biol 2019;39:311-18. PMID 30786739 and J Thromb Haemost 2019 PMID: 30927321
- Kimball AS, Obi AT, Luke CE, Dowling AR, Cai Q, Jankowski H, Schaller M, Jaffer FA, Kunkel S, Gallagher K, Henke PK. Ly6Clo monocyte/macrophages are essential for thrombus resolution in a murine model of venous thrombosis. Thrombosis Haemostasis 2020;120:289-99. PMID 31887775
- Li W, Kessinger CW, Orii M, Lee H, Wang L, Weinberg I, Jaff MR, Reed GL, Libby P, Tawakol A, Henke PK, Jaffer FA. Time-restricted salutary effects of blood flow restoration on venous thrombosis and vein wall injury in mouse and human subjects. Circulation 2021;143:1224-38. PMID 33445952
- Obi AT, Sharma SB, Elfline MA, Luke CE, Dowling AR, Cai Q, Kimball AS, Holinstat M, Stanger L, Moore BB, Jaffer FA, Henke PK. Experimental venous thrombus resolution is driven by IL-6 mediated monocyte actions. Sci Reports 2023;13:3253-. PMID 36828892
- Henke PK, Nicklas JM, Obi A. Immune cell mediated venous thrombosis resolution. Res and Prac in Thromb Haemost 2023;7:p102268. PMID 38193054
Dr. Henke discusses the research being conducted in his laboratory.