CBSSM People

Scholars From Across Disciplines.

Faculty Directory

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Brian Zikmund-Fisher, PhD, MA Brian J Zikmund-Fisher, PhD, MA
Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education
Research Professor
Internal Medicine
profile-kayte-spector-bagdady.jpg Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBE
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Managing Director
Emilee Coulter-Thompson, DrPh, LMSW Emilee Coulter-Thompson, DrPH, LMSW
Managing Director, CBSSM
Bioethics Services Leadership
profile-andrew-shuman-2023 Andrew G Shuman, MD, FACS, HEC-C
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology Education Lead
Assistant Dean for Veterans Affairs
Christian J. Vercler Christian John Vercler
Professor of Surgery
Professor of Neurosurgery and Program Director
Plastic Surgery Section
Janice Firn, PhD, MSW, HEC-C Janice Firn PhD, MSW, HEC-C
Clinical Associate Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Co-Chief, Education Service, Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine
lynn Amy Lynn
Administrative Manager
reyes Jorgelle Reyes, MBA
Business and Finance Manager
profile-adam-marks-2023 Adam D Marks
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Director
Hospice Program and Adult Hospice and Palliative Medicine Education Co-Director
user ahvinson Alexandra H Vinson
Assistant Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Andrea L. Oliverio Andrea Oliverio, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Andrew R. Barnosky Andrew R Barnosky
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Professor of Anatomical Science
Department of Learning Health Sciences
Professor of Internal Medicine
profile-andrew-shuman-2023 Andrew G Shuman, MD, FACS, HEC-C
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology Education Lead
Assistant Dean for Veterans Affairs
Brian Zikmund-Fisher, PhD, MA Brian J Zikmund-Fisher, PhD, MA
Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education
Research Professor
Internal Medicine
Cathryn Lapedis Cathryn Lapedis, MD, MPH
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology
Christian J. Vercler Christian John Vercler
Professor of Surgery
Professor of Neurosurgery and Program Director
Plastic Surgery Section
cutter Christina M Cutter, MD, MSc, MS
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Daphna Stroumsa Daphna Stroumsa, MD, MPH, MSc
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
David E. Sandberg, PhD David E Sandberg
Professor of Pediatrics
Dorene Markel Dorene Markel, MS, MHSA
Director, The Brehm Center
Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Learning Health Systems
Emily Harlan, MD, MA Emily Harlan, MD, MA, MSc
Instructor in Internal Medicine and Research Fellow
Internal Medicine
francesca-williamson Francesca A. Williamson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Learning Health Sciences
Geoff Barnes headshot Geoffrey D Barnes, MD, MSc
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
schroder Hans Schroder, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
J Scott Roberts J. Scott Roberts, PhD
Professor of Health Behavior & Health Education
Meadow Jacqueline Meadow, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases
Janice Firn, PhD, MSW, HEC-C Janice Firn PhD, MSW, HEC-C
Clinical Associate Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Co-Chief, Education Service, Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine
jeff_kullgren Jeffrey Todd Kullgren, MD, MS, MPH
Kutsche Memorial Research Chair of Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
shah Jennifer L Shah
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
jeremy_sussman Jeremy B Sussman
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
jodyn Jodyn Platt
Associate Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy
joel_h Joel D Howell
Elizabeth Farrand Collegiate Professor of Medical History
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of History, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Professor of Health Management and Policy
chang-joy Joy Chang
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
julie Julie Anne Wright Nunes
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Assistant Chair, Department of Internal Medicine
Medical Director, MDS and Inpatient Services - Nephrology
Medical Director of Taubman Medical Specialties
KATIE Katie Baughman, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
profile-kayte-spector-bagdady.jpg Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBE
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kenneth M. Langa Kenneth M Langa
Cyrus Sturgis Research Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Internal Medicine
Research Professor
Institute of Gerontology
Research Professor
Survey Research Center
Institute for Social Research and Professor of Health Management and Policy
Laura Kimberly Sedig MD Laura K Sedig
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases
Medical Director, MPLAN - CW 7E - Pediatric BMT and Hem/Onc
gerlach Lauren B Gerlach, DO, MS
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
lauren Lauren Smith, MD, HEC-C
Clinical Professor in the Department of Pathology
Lesly Dossett Lesly A Dossett, MD, MPH
Maud T Lane Research Professor of Cancer Quality Improvement
Associate Chair
Department of Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery
Lewis B. Morgenstern Lewis B Morgenstern
Milton and Carolyn Kevreson Research Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurosurgery
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Professor of Epidemiology
labcoat Lisa H Harris, MD, PhD
marin Marin M Arnolds
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
molly Mary Agnes Hunter, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Acute Care Surgery
Melissa Creary Melissa Creary, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Health Management and Policy
Assistant Professor of Global Public Health
Michele heisler Michele Heisler, MD, MPA
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education
Naomi Laventhal Naomi T Laventhal, MD, MA, HEC-C, FAAP
Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Chair
Career Development
Department of Pediatrics
Service Chief
Norman D. Hogikyan Norman D Hogikyan, MD, FACS
Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Section Head and Associate Chair
Professor of Music, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
profile-sacha-montal-2014 Sacha M Montas
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Sarah T. Hawley Sarah T Hawley, PhD, MPH
Maisel Research Professor of Cancer Control and Population Science
Professor of Internal Medicine
Associate Director for Training, Internal Medicine
Professor of Health Management and Policy and Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education
kelling_sarah Sarah Vordenberg, PharmD, MPH, BCACP
Clinical Professor in the Department of Pathology
CBSSM Research Fellow, 2018-2020
profile-susan-pitt-2022 Susan C Pitt
Associate Professor of Surgery
Susan Goold Susan Dorr Goold, MD, MHSA, MA, FACP
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Health Management and Policy
cavalry tanner Tanner J Caverly, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Tasha M. Hughes Tasha Michelle Hughes
Associate Chair
Department of Surgery
Assoicate Professor of Surgery
thomas-valley Thomas S Valley
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Tyler James Tyler G James
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Vitaliy Popov, PhD Vitaliy Popov, PhD
Assistant Professor of Learning Health Sciences
Director of Learning Sciences & Technology, Clinical Simulation Center
uhlmannwendy Wendy R Uhlmann
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Human Genetics and Service Chief of Medical Genetics
Internal Medicine
farrah_madanay Farrah Madanay, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the CBSSM.
madhuri Madhuri Ramasubramanian, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the CBSSM.
Research Associates
kelcie Kelcie Brophy, BA
Research Associate
Rachel Brownson, MDiv Rachel Brownson, MDiv
Research Fellow
fabbri-morris Morris Fabbri, MA
Research Associate
labcoat_default Rochelle Jones, MS
Research Associate
ying-jen Ying-Jen Lin, PhD
Research Associate
jessie_milne Jessie Milne, MPH
Research Associate
perry_headshot Lydia Perry, BS
Research Associate
Kerry Ryan, MA Kerry Ryan, MA
Senior Research Area Specialist
F. Jacob Seagull F. Jacob Seagull, PhD
Research Associate
jd thomas J. Denard Thomas, PhD
Research Associate