A group of people discussing something and smiling while sitting at the office table

Meet Us

CODA faculty, staff, and students conduct our important research, collaborate with other researchers, and share our results with scientific and patient communities.

CODA Director
Noelle E. Carlozzi, PhD Noelle E Carlozzi
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Professor of Surgery
Rongqi Bei headshot Rongqi Bei, MS
Research Assistant
Anthony Fauser Anthony Fauser, BS
Clinical Research Coordinator
Katie Gialloreti headshot Katie Gialloreti, BS
Clinical Research Coordinator
christopher-graves headshot Christopher Graves, BA
Project Manager
Wendy Lombard Wendy Lombard, MPH
Research Scientific Writer
Matt Melvin Matt Melvin, BA
Research Administrator
Jen Miner headshot Jen Miner, BS, MBA
Project Manager
Ashley Parks Ashley Parks, MS, FNP-BC
Clinical Research Coordinator Associate
Jonathan Troost headshot Jonathan Troost, PhD
Lead Statistician
Contact CODA

North Campus Research Complex
2800 Plymouth Road.
Building NCRC B14
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2800

9 AM–5 PM
Monday through Friday

Phone: 734-764-0644