Endowment for Basic Sciences
Strengthening Basic Science Research and Education at the University of Michigan
EBS co director Beth Moore presents EBS Award

The Endowment for Basic Sciences (EBS) supports basic science departments and units at the University of Michigan Medical School. The EBS facilitates interactions between the participating units for the benefit of all the participating units. Together, this group develops new research initiatives, facilitates collaborations and partnerships, and contributes to the recruitment of faculty. It recognizes outstanding individual contributions with the EBS Research Staff Award and the EBS Teaching Award.

The EBS is a virtual endowment, the interest from which is used to support basic science. It is governed by the chairs or directors of each participating unit and is led by a rotating chair elected by the members.

Endowment for Basic Sciences Awards
Research Staff Award
Teaching Award
Participating Units
Our Goals
  1. Increase opportunities for the participating units to develop scientific interactions between themselves and with other University units.
  2. Improve the opportunities for the participating units to recruit outstanding faculty in support of programmatic themes and important departmental goals.
  3. Improve the participating units' ability to develop and compete for interdisciplinary research involving multi-unit participation and external funding.
  4. Participate with the Medical School Office of the Dean in support of new initiatives and programs.

The EBS was established on June 30th, 2002, by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Dean of the Medical School, Allen Lichter, and the Heads of the participating units.