LBD Support Groups
A woman places her hand on the back of a gentleman in a group setting

Support Groups

Groups are available online or in person.

We are pleased to offer several virtual and in-person monthly support groups across the state of Michigan specifically for Lewy body dementia. Newcomers are always welcome and should contact us (contact information below) to ensure accurate time and location information.

For in-person support group meetings, registration is not required.

Registration for virtual support groups is required to receive a link for the meeting, and the registration form is located here.

First-time attendees, and anyone with questions, please contact:

Renee Gadwa
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 734-764-5137

Online Support Groups
Virtual Afternoon Support Group

This support group meets via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month 2 pm-3 pm for caregivers and 3 pm-4 pm for individuals living with LBD. All caregivers and individuals living with LBD are welcome to attend.

Registration required.

Virtual Evening Support Group

This support group meets via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month 6 pm-7 pm for caregivers. All caregivers are welcome to attend.

Registration required.

In-Person Support Groups

Boyne City In-Person Support Group

The Boyne City support group for caregivers and those living with LBD meets 1 pm-3 pm on the second Tuesday of each month. 

Meeting Location

Boyne District Library
201 E Main St.
Boyne City, MI 49712

Contact Mary Whitlock with questions or if you plan to attend.
Email [email protected] 
Phone: 231-350-8283

Ann Arbor In-Person Support Group

The Ann Arbor support group for caregivers and those living with LBD meets 2 pm-3 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month. 

Meeting Location

Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center
2101 Commonwealth Blvd, Suite D
Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

Contact Renee Gadwa with questions or if you plan to attend.
Email: [email protected]  
Phone: 734-764-5137

Traverse City In-Person Support Group

The Traverse City support group for caregivers and those living with LBD meets 1 pm-3 pm on the second Thursday of each month. 

Meeting Location

Peninsula Community Library
2893 Island View Road
Traverse City, MI 49686

Contact Mary Whitlock with questions or if you plan to attend.
Email [email protected] 
Phone: 231-350-8283