LBD Resources
Two women watch an online video

Support Groups, educational videos and at-home exercise programs.

LBD Informational Download

One page document on Lewy body dementia

Online Support from the LBDA
LBDA Care Partner Facebook Support Group

A place to provide support and guidance as well as share information and resources. Membership is limited to care partners of those living with Lewy body dementia.

Living with Lewy Facebook Support Group

A place to provide support and guidance as well as share information and resources. Membership is limited to those living with Lewy body dementia whether diagnosed or seeking a diagnosis. This group also offers a weekly virtual Zoom based support group.

Newly Lewy Facebook Support Group

Newly Lewy is an LBDA-sponsored Facebook support group intended for those with a newly clarified diagnosis of LBD or those caring for someone with a newly clarified diagnosis of LBD (within the last 2 years).

LBD Caring Spouses

An internet discussion forum support group for those whose husband or wife is living with one of the Lewy body disorders: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) or Parkinson's Disease Dementia (PDD).

Where can I learn more?
Lewy Body Dementia Association

Call 404-935-6444 or click here for the LBDA.

Alzheimer’s Association

Call 800-272-3900 or click here for the website.

National Institute on Aging

Call 1-800-438-4380 or click here for the NIA.