Principal Investigator and Director
Henry Paulson Henry L Paulson
Lucile Groff Chair of Neurology for Alzheimers Disease
Research Professor
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Professor of Neurology and Co-Division Chief Cognitive Disorders
Associate Director and Administrative Core Co-Leader
Bruno Giordani Bruno Giordani
Professor of Psychiatry
Professor of Neurology
Chief Psychologist

Professor of Psychology
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Adjunct Professor of Nursing
School of Nursing
Executive Committee
Kelly Bakulski, Ph.D. Kelly Bakulski, PhD
Data Management and Statistical Core Leader
Associate Professor, U-M School of Public Health
barmada Sami J Barmada, MD, PhD
Angela Dobson Welch and Lyndon Welch Research Professor
Associate Professor of Neurology
Scott E. Counts, PhD Scott E. Counts, PhD
Neuropathology Core Co-Investigator
Ana Daugherty, PhD Ana Daugherty, PhD Benjamin Hampstead, PhD, ABPP/CN Benjamin Hampstead
Philip B and Myrna R Fischer Research Professor of Neurology
Stanley Berent Ph.D. Collegiate Professor of Psychology
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Psychiatry
Judith Heidebrink, MD, MS Judith L. Heidebrink
Richard D and Katherine M O'Connor Research Professor of Alzheimer's Disease
Clinical Professor of Neurology
Co-Division Chief Cognitive Disorders
Joan Ilardo, PhD, LMSW Joan Ilardo, PhD, LMSW
Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement Core Co-Investigator
Catherine Kaczorowski Catherine C Kaczorowski BA, PhD
Elinor Levine Professor of Dementia Research
Professor of Neurology
Nicholas Kanaan, PhD Nicholas Kanaan, PhD
Biomarker Core Co-Leader
Amanda Leggett, PhD Amanda Leggett, PhD
Wayne State University - Clinical Core
Peter Lichtenberg, PhD Peter Lichtenberg, PhD
Research Education Component Co-Lead
Andy Lieberman, MD, PhD Andrew Lieberman, MD, PhD
Neuropathology Core Lead
David Morgan, PhD David G. Morgan, PhD
Biomarker Core Co-Lead
Douglas Noll, PhD Doug Noll
Ann and Robert H Lurie Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility
Professor of Radiology
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Courtney Polenick Courtney A. Polenick, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry,
Wellness Initiative Faculty Lead
Annalise M. Rahman-Filipiak Annalise M Rahman-Filipiak, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
J Scott Roberts J Scott Roberts
Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement Core Lead
Irving Vega Irving Vega, PhD
Research Education Component Co-Lead
John Woodard, PhD John Woodard, PhD