Cognitive Health Services Research Program

Leading Research in Brain & Cognitive Health

An icon of the brain

Researchers, physicians, academics and professionals can learn more about our current studies and findings.

Information for Researchers
Icon of head with brain
Community Members

Patients, family, friends, caregivers, and prospective study participants can learn more about our brain health research and discoveries. Learn about the latest discoveries in our brain health research.

Information for the Community
Brain and Cognitive Health

Our project 'U-M BASIC COG' aims to use door-to-door surveillance in Texas, a non-immigrant, bi-ethnic community, to determine the prevalence and trajectory over time of cognitive impairment and dementia in Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites.

All U-M Collaborations
Our Mission

The COG-HSR mission is to perform interdisciplinary research, publishing and training that aims to optimize brain health and impact public policy in order to protect and improve the health and well-being of individuals.

Doctors looking at the computer screen.
Evaluate risk factors

For dementia and vascular cognitive impairment, such as stroke and hypertension.

Healthcare professional reviews older woman's blood pressure
Understand and reduce disparities

In brain health, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular cognitive impairment.

Person walking quickly through the hospital
Train the next generation of outcomes researchers

In brain health by mentoring junior faculty and trainees to become future leaders in cognitive health services research.

Doctor smiling at the patient holding hands.
Improve the care and quality of life

For people with dementia and other cognitive disabilities and their loved ones.

Our Goals

To train the next generation of outcomes researchers in these fields by mentoring junior faculty and trainees to become future leaders in outcomes research.


To conduct innovative research in cognitive impairment and dementia that will inform healthcare policies, guide clinical decision making, and improve overall health.

Nationally-Recognized Multi-Disciplinary Health Services Research

To create a nationally-recognized multi-disciplinary health services research program focused on assessing risk factors and outcomes of cognitive impairment and dementia in order to improve the health and well-being of individuals.

Research Study Spotlight

The BP COG study aims to determine the effect of high blood pressure over the life course on the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites, and to estimate the potential impact of optimal high blood pressure treatment intensity to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in cognitive impairment and dementia.

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Featured News
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Research News
More older adults should be checking blood pressure at home
Only around half of those who have hypertension or conditions linked to blood pressure regularly monitor, but health care providers’ recommendations increase older adults’ monitoring at home.
Emily Briceno
Research News
Depression and Cognitive Decline
COG-HSR’s Chief Neuropsychologist Dr. Emily Briceño receives Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) Pilot Award.
Emily Briceno
Research News
A mixed-methods approach
COG-HSR’s Chief Neuropsychologist, Dr. Emily Briceño, receives an NIH/NIA K23 (1K23AG080035-01). The K23 is entitled “Measurement of cognition and functional decline in Latinx older adults for detection of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A mixed-methods approach.”
Cognitive Health Services Research Program
2800 Plymouth Rd, B16/400N-19
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
Phone: 734-615-3636