U-M Skin Research Center

A Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Center (SBDRC)

Group of people viewing scientific posters

The UM Skin Research Center (UM-SRC) is dedicated to advancing skin biology research and fostering collaboration within the scientific community. Our aim is to grow the community of skin researchers by supporting early-career investigators and encouraging interdisciplinary partnerships with fields beyond dermatology.

The UM-SRC offers unique and specialized core services and programs that leverage the strength of our expertise in skin-related research and our institution's robust research infrastructure. As a highly collaborative research hub, our Center strives to enhance and promote ongoing skin research projects and to integrate non-dermatology research groups into the realm of cutaneous research. 

Funded by an NIH National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-Based Center P30 grant, we provide access to unique resources and expertise that are not widely available to research groups in cutaneous biology. Our Center offers cutting-edge genomic editing services and analyses to support groundbreaking discoveries, as well as training and guidance on experimental design, utilization and analyses of mouse models and bioinformatics methods.


Meet our members and leadership


Explore our core services & enrichment programs.

Overall Goals

  • Enhance the effectiveness of ongoing basic and translational cutaneous biology research,
  • Broaden the scope of skin disease research by attracting new investigators and through interdisciplinary collaboration,
  • Enable rapid transitions from discovery to function,
  • Address biological and disease contexts, and
  • Facilitate development of appropriate, state-of-the-art in silico and in vivo disease mouse models.

We aim to facilitate, enhance and accelerate skin disease research toward new discoveries that will ultimately benefit a wide range of patients with cutaneous disorders.

Become a Member

To apply for membership to the UM Skin Research Center, please email your CV or biosketch to Carmel McKeon ([email protected]).

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Speaker at a podium
Pilot & Feasibility Program

Providing direct support for research that brings new investigators into the field of skin diseases and biology, and for innovative preliminary studies and new technology development.

Program Information
Young woman and young man looking at a scientific poster
Core Services

Our Animal Modeling Core and Functional Analytics Core deliver unique expertise and services to foster innovative research in skin biology and diseases.

Services Information
Speaker addressing a crowded auditorium
Enrichment Programs

We supply mentoring, training, education and funding to bolster the center's objectives of significantly improving and enriching the effectiveness of ongoing basic and translational research in the field of cutaneous biology and diseases.

Program Information
Our Publications

Explore groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in dermatology with Skin Research Center publications.

NIH Publications
Upcoming Events View all Skin Research Center Events
2025 UM Skin Research Center Annual Symposium
Our Annual Symposium is your chance to learn about the latest research in skin biology and disease, see what core services the center provides, interact with other center members, establish new collaborations, and share your skin-relevant research in poster format. All interested in skin biology and diseases research are welcome to attend.
Center News View all Skin Resource Center News Translational immunology lab space ribbon-cutting ceremony
Department News
Collaborative Lab Space Fuels Translational Immunology Research
On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to celebrate and officially mark the opening of the new Translational Immunology Research lab space at the North Campus Research Complex.
Illustration of a microscope
Health Lab
Hippo signaling pathway gives new insight into systemic sclerosis
Study focuses on Hippo signaling pathway as critical link between fibrosis, vascular dysfunction, and sex bias in systemic sclerosis
Research News
2023 UM-SBDRC Annual Symposium
The UM Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Center (UM-SBDRC) hosted its 4th Annual Symposium on March 2, 2023 at Kahn Auditorium at the Biomedical Science Research Building.
Research Acknowledgement

It is extremely important that our grant is cited in all publications resulting from the use of UM-SBDRC services and funding. Our productivity and effectiveness as a center are measured in part by the citation of the grant in published work. Please use the following acknowledgement in your publications:

This work utilized Core Services and Pilot or Feasibility project funding supported by grant UM-SBDRC 1P30AR075043 of NIH/NIAMS to the University of Michigan