Our members have diverse backgrounds and expertise
About Membership
Center membership helps support early investigators and promote interdisciplinary engagement and collaboration with groups outside the field of dermatology. The Center's research community comprises 62 members from multiple schools and colleges at the University of Michigan and from the NIH and outside institutes and universities throughout the US.
Membership Responsibilities & Guidelines
Our members are expected to exhibit responsible conduct of research, abide by all institutional regulations, including the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, follow Institutional Review Board regulations, and obtain appropriate permissions for all research with animals, human subjects, and biohazardous agents before such projects are initiated.
Become a Member
To apply for membership, please email your CV or biosketch to Carmel McKeon at [email protected].

Professor of Dermatology
Professor of Internal Medicine and Research Professor
Mary H Weiser Food Allergy

Associate Chair, Department of Dermatology
Professor of Dermatology and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Carmel McKeon, MPH
UM Skin Research Center Manager
[email protected]
It is extremely important that our grant is cited in all publications resulting from the use of UM-SBDRC services and funding. Our productivity and effectiveness as a center are measured in part by the citation of the grant in published work. Please use the following acknowledgement in your publications:
This work utilized Core Services and Pilot or Feasibility project funding supported by grant UM-SBDRC 1P30AR075043 of NIH/NIAMS to the University of Michigan