Education and training to bolster cutaneous research
The UM-SBDRC Enrichment Programs will provide outreach, training, education, and funding to support the centers goals to markedly enhance and enrich effectiveness of ongoing basic and translational research in cutaneous biology and diseases.
- Promote career success for UM-SBDRC members
- Support investigators and trainees at all stages of their careers
- Encourage diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, and race
- Support early investigators
- Promote interdisciplinary engagement
- Promote collaborations with groups outside the field of dermatology
Visiting Scholar Program
and Annual Symposium
- Promote opportunities for scientific exchange
- Promote new ideas and innovative thinking in our members and attendees
- Accomplished and diverse speakers engaged in cutting-edge work in various research fields will be invited to speak and present their work
- Support research trainee attendance at the Society for Investigative Dermatology annual meeting (for trainees working with UM-SBDRC Members)
- Provide exposure to a breadth of research in cutaneous biology and disease
It is extremely important that our grant is cited in all publications resulting from the use of UM-SBDRC services and funding. Our productivity and effectiveness as a center are measured in part by the citation of the grant in published work. Please use the following acknowledgement in your publications:
This work utilized Core Services and Pilot or Feasibility project funding supported by grant UM-SBDRC 1P30AR075043 of NIH/NIAMS to the University of Michigan