Poster Presentation Guidelines
Young woman and young man looking at a scientific poster

Symposium: Explore skin research, collaborate, present.

The UM Skin Center invites submission of abstracts for poster presentation at our 6th Annual Symposium happening Thursday, February 27, 2025.

The goal of the poster competition is to encourage exploration of future collaborations focused on skin biology and disease research within the mission of the NIH’s National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). More information about the NIAMS mission can be found here: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Any relevant research completed in the past year, not previously presented at our past symposiums, or being presented at a future conference is eligible for submission to our annual symposium.

The abstracts and poster will be available to viewers attending virtually during the live poster session and an email contact will be provided for their questions. The in-person posters will be displayed in the second-floor atrium near Kahn Auditorium. All abstracts will be included in the symposium program.

  • The accepted file formats for the Poster submission into this website are image formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, or PDF. The file size must not exceed 100 MB. There are no specific dimension requirements, but a 16 x 9 ratio is suggested for optimal display. If a PDF with multiple pages is uploaded, only the first page will be converted into an image for the poster display.
  • In-person Posters must fit within the 4 feet wide by 3 feet high (landscape) poster display board. Note: suggested paper dimensions are 42 inches (horizontal) by 36 inches (vertical).
  • Please bring your printed poster with you the morning of the symposium and drop off by 9:00am at the registration desk in front of Kahn Auditorium. An administrator will hang it on a display board for you.
  • Posters will be displayed from 8:00am-12:00pm. During the poster presentation segment (10:00am-10:45am), presenters will stand by their poster and be available for other investigators to discuss your research and possible collaborations.
  • Posters will be available for pick up at the registration desk at the end of the symposium or will be brought back to 6447 Med Sci I for future pick up.
  • The abstract is limited to 1 page, Arial 11 font. It will be displayed with the poster online and is also included in our symposium booklet.
  • Please submit your abstract and poster by Friday, February 21, 2025.

Poster Awards: In-person posters will be judged by a team of faculty, based upon both subject matter and presentation. Awards for in-person posters will be announced at the end of the Symposium: first place ($100 Amazon gift certificate), second place ($50 Amazon gift certificate), third place ($25 Amazon gift certificate).

More Information & Registration

Research Acknowledgement

It is extremely important that our grant is cited in all publications resulting from the use of UM-SBDRC services and funding. Our productivity and effectiveness as a center are measured in part by the citation of the grant in published work. Please use the following acknowledgement in your publications:

This work utilized Core Services and Pilot or Feasibility project funding supported by grant UM-SBDRC 1P30AR075043 of NIH/NIAMS to the University of Michigan