Legacy Technologies
close up of legacy technologies

Information regarding sunsetted platforms, including Sanger Sequencing, Affymetrix Expression Arrays, PacBio Sequencing, and more.

Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis

As announced in December 2019, the University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core discontinued all Sanger sequencing services on March 13, 2020. The U of M research community will be better served by externals vendors for commodity Sanger needs, and the change will allow the AGC to focus on maximizing the added value of high throughput sequencing and related genomic techniques.

Sanger sequencing services are available to Michigan researchers through UM-wide relationships with Eurofins Genomics and GeneWiz.


Procurement Services announced that effective Monday, February 1, 2021 that Genewiz is now a contract supplier on the University’s M-marketsite ordering platform.  Their punch-out catalog enables you to quickly and conveniently place your Sanger Sequencing orders via M-marketsite. Instructions detailing how to place orders, contact information, and dropbox locations can be found on the Genewiz Procurement Page.


Procurement Services announced that effective Monday, June 1, 2020 that Eurofins is now a contract supplier on the University’s M-marketsite ordering platform.  Their punch-out catalog enables you to quickly and conveniently place your Sanger Sequencing orders via M-marketsite. Instructions detailing how to place orders, contact information, and dropbox locations can be found on Eurofins Procurement Page.


The University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core discontinued Affymetrix services July 2019. A list of certified Affymetrix service providers is available here: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/microarray-analysis/microarray-analysis-partners-programs/affymetrix-service-providers.html.

Alternative Technologies

QuantSeq provides cost-efficient, gene expression profiling data without the need for polyA-enrichment or rRNA depletion. Next-generation sequencing-based, reads are generated towards the poly(A) tail and directly correspond to the mRNA sequence simplifying the bioinformatic analysis.


The University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core discontinued all Sequenom genotyping services Spring 2019. Sequenom services are available from Agena Bioscience (formerly Sequenom) https://agenabio.com/services/assays-by-agena/.

Alternative Technologies

Design Taqman assays. You would need to set up the plates, but the core does have the QuantStudio needed so we can assist with running the PCR.

Custom NGS panel. You would work with a company to design a panel of amplicons that cover your SNPs of interest. The AGC can perform both the prep and accommodate the sequencing. Contact us for vendor recommendations.


The University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core discontinued PacBio services Summer 2018. A list of certified PacBio service providers is available here: https://www.pacb.com/products-and-services/service-providers/.

Alternative Technologies

Oxford Nanopore Technology – The Advanced Genomics Core houses a GridION and a PromethION instrument. Please make a Core Consultation Request for more information.
