Metabolomics Core
Photo of researcher in Metabolomics Core

Offering full-service sample analysis to measure the concentrations of small molecules in biological samples.

Learn More

The University of Michigan Metabolomics Core measures concentrations of small molecules in a wide range of biological samples to provide unique insights into biological processes. The Core takes advantage of cutting-edge instrumentation, automation, and sample tracking technologies to provide the highest quality data and service to our customers.

Services include targeted and untargeted metabolomic screening as well as method development to explore novel metabolic pathways and systems. The Core's talented statistical and bioinformatics staff will help you with the interpretation and visualization of your data, and the preparation of grants, proposals, and manuscripts. 

Need help?

Charles Evans
Spotlight On
Lunch and Learn with BRCF Metabolomics Core

Enjoy a free lunch on Monday, March 17, from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, at the Biomedical Science Research Building (BSRB), Seminar Rooms A, B, and C. Learn about gut metabolome from Charles Evans, Ph.D., faculty director, BRCF Metabolomics Core.

Getting Started
Find an Assay

The Metabolomics Core offers a variety of standardized assays that cover a broad range of metabolite classes. Whether you are looking for a targeted/quantitative assay or an untargeted/exploratory assay, we can help.

Request a Consultation

Consult with us on metabolomics study design, sample preparation requirements, the right assay to answer your biological question, or inquire about method development for compounds or compound classes not currently offered.

Request Services in MiCores

Ready to get started? Request services in MiCores.

How We Serve Your Research Needs
Photo taken from above of a female researcher in the Metabolomics Core
Metabolomics Services

Services include initial consultation, method development, data collection, interpretation, and presentation.

Learn More
Photo taken from above of a female researcher in front of three monitors in the Metabolomics Core
Training & Funding Resources

We provide a variety of educational opportunities for students, fellows, and faculty in the field of metabolomics research, as well as offer access to various funding mechanisms.

Learn More
Our Available Assays & Rates

Expand each section below to view our available assays and internal assay rates. A surcharge will be added for all non-UM (external) customer requests. Analytes important to your project can often be added to our standard assays, or new assays can be developed to suit your requirements. Please contact Director Maureen Kachman to discuss the details.


Price Per Sample

Assay Description
 1-35 Samples36-75 Samples76+ Samples 
2-HG - D/L isomer analysis$165$132$119Quantification of the D/L isomers of 2-Hydroxglutarate after derivatization (which allows for separation on LC-MS.). All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on a LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue weight or cell protein content.
Acylcarnitine analysis $157$142$128Profile 30 acylcarnitine species in plasma, serum, or tissues after solvent extraction. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on a LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue weight or cell protein content.   
Amino acid analysis (free amino acids)$157$142$128Profile 20 free amino acids in plasma, serum, cells, tissues, or feces after solvent extraction. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on a LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue weight or cell protein content.
Amino acid analysis (with protein hydrolysis)$200$160$144Profile 20 amino acid species in plasma, serum, or tissues after solvent extraction, including protein hydrolysis to determine the entire amino acid contents of a sample. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue weight or cell protein content.  
Bile acid analysis$165$157$141Profile 24 bile acid species in plasma, serum, tissues, or feces after solvent extraction. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue/fecal weight.  
Glycolysis / TCA analysis$176$164$148Profile TCA (citate, malate, succinate, AKG, fumarate) and glycolysis (glucose, G/F6P, FBP, 2/3PG, PEP, and pyruvate) and selected nucleotide and energy metabolites in tissue, cells, or plasma (AKG, fumarate, pyruvate, and phosphometabolites may be undetectable in plasma.) All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an accurate mass QTOF. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue/feces weight or cell protein content.  
Eicosanoids (Oxylipins)$172$142$135Profile 28 Eicosanoids in tissue, including HETEs, HODEs, LTKB4, TBXB2, and Prostaglandins. Eicosanoids are extracted and concentrated using solid phase extraction and measured on an LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue weight or cell protein content.  
Tryptophan Metabolites analysis$172$138$124Profile up to 14 Tryptophan-related metabolites in plasma, serum, tissues, or feces after solvent extraction. Hydroxy species may be difficult to measure in plasma and cells. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an highly sensitive QTOF. Analytes are reported as uM amounts and normalized to either wet tissue/feces weight or cell protein content.  
Short chain fatty acid analysis$150$142$135Profile 6 Short Chain Fatty acids in plasma, serum, tissues, or feces after solvent extraction. Great care must be taken to isolate samples from lab sources of very low MW fatty acids, especially for plasma. Consult the Core before beginning sample collection. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an LC-QQQ using MRM methods. Analytes reported as uM and normalized to either wet tissue/feces weight or cell protein content.  
Steroid Hormone Panel - Delta4$208$191$151Profile 24 Delta-4 steroids, including testosterone(s), estrogen(s), cortisone/sol, and progesterone(s) in biofluids (cells/solid tissue analysis not available at this time). Consult the Core if estrogen measurements are required for normal individuals, a high-sensitivity method must be employed. All analytes and Internal Standards are measured on an LC-QQQ using MRM methods, with analytes reported as uM values.
Steroid Hormone Panel - HiSense T/E2$202$156$140 
Steroid Hormone Panel - Delta5$202$156$140 
Steroid Hormone Panel - Sulfates$202$156$140 
13C mass isotopologue (flux) analysis - TCA$168$134$121Isotope enrichment measurements on the metabolites reported in the Gly/TCA/Nucleotides platform above., plus key amino acids. Isotope enrichment of targeted metabolites are corrected for natural abundance and reported as ratios of M, M+1, M+2, M+3, etc. Consult the Core on the choice of label (if not U13C Glucose) or any other questions (e.g., labeling times or substate amounts) before submitting samples for analysis.
13C mass isotopologue (flux) analysis - Acylcarnitine$168$134$121Isotope enrichment measurements on the metabolites reported in the Acylcarnitine platform above.  Isotope enrichment of targeted metabolites are corrected for natural abundance and reported as ratios of M, M+1, M+2, M+3, etc. Consult the Core on the choice of label (usually U13C oleate or U13C palmitate) or any other questions (e.g., labeling times or substrate amounts) before submitting samples for analysis.
13C mass isotopologue (flux) analysis - Other$176$164$152Isotope enrichment measurements on the metabolites reported in any other established platform. Consult the Core on the choice of label or any other questions (e.g., labeling times or substrate amounts) before submitting samples for analysis.
Custom Panel One$130$113$108Measure up to 3 custom metabolites in one LC-MS run (one mode/one form of chromatography). Additional charges may be necessary for method development or the purchase of project-specific isotope-labeled internal standards.
Custom Panel Two$157$142$128Measure up to 6 custom metabolites in two LCMS runs (two modes or two forms of chromatography. Additional charges may be necessary for method development or the purchase of project-specific isotope-labeled internal standards.
Custom Panel Three$174$139$125Measure up to 10 custom metabolites in two LCMS runs (two modes or two forms of chromatography). Additional charges may be necessary for method development or the purchase of project-specific isotope-labeled internal standards.



Price Per Sample

Assay Description
 1-35 Samples36-75 Samples76+ Samples 
Untargeted Metabolomics - "Broad Coverage" (biofluids)$329$283$221Untargeted Metabolite Profiling using Reversed Phase Chromatography / QTOF in Positive and Negative modes.   Approximately 350 named metabolites reported include Amino acids, Acylcarnitines, Fatty acids, Lipids, Bile acids, etc. Analytes measured are reported as peak area per sample for both known (annotated) compounds and unknown features. Basic statistical analysis is included. Unknown identification is done on statistically significant features and is aided by the acquisition of comprehensive MS/MS.
Untargeted Metabolomics - "Broad Coverage" (tissue)$359$309$241See description for Untargeted Metabolomics (biofluids). Tissues and other solid samples are normalized by accurately weighing samples and scaling the extraction solvent volume to the measured weight. For cells, an accurate cell count is requested for normalization.
Central Carbon Metabolism - "Polar Coverage" (biofluids)$142$123$98Untargeted Metabolite Profiling using Ion Pairing Chromatography / QTOF in Negative mode. Approximately 80 named metabolites reported include compounds in the Amino acids, Glycolysis, and TCA pathways, as well as Nucleotides and other Organic acids. Analytes measured are reported as peak area per sample for both known (annotated) compounds and unknown features. Basic statistical analysis is included. Unknown identification is done on statistically significant features and is aided by the acquisition of comprehensive MS/MS.
Central Carbon Metabolism  - "Polar Coverage" (tissue)$174$150$118See description for Central Carbon Metabolism Profiling (biofluids). Tissues and other solid samples are normalized by accurately weighing samples and scaling the extraction solvent volume to the measured weight. For cells, an accurate cell count is requested for normalization.
Untargeted Broad + Polar Coverage (biofluids)$387$363$312Untargeted Metabolite Profiling using both Reversed Phase and Ion Pairing Chromatography / QTOF with Positive and Negative modes (2).   Approximately 400 named metabolites reported include Amino acids, Acylcarnitines, Fatty acids, Lipids, Bile acids, Glycolysis and TCA pathways, Nucleotides, Organic acids, and others. Analytes measured are reported as peak area per sample for both known (annotated) compounds and unknown features. Basic statistical analysis is included. Unknown identification is done on statistically significant features and is aided by the acquisition of comprehensive MS/MS.
Untargeted Broad + Polar Coverage (tissue)$416$389$335See description for Central Carbon Metabolism Profiling (biofluids). Tissues and other solid samples are normalized by accurately weighing samples and scaling the extraction solvent volume to the measured weight. For cells, an accurate cell count is requested for normalization.
Untargeted - One Carbon and Urea Cycle$204$145$131 



Price Per Sample

Assay Description
 1-35 Samples36-75 Samples76+ Samples 
Shotgun Lipidomic (biofluids)$366$346$326Nontargeted Lipid Profiling using Reversed Phase Chromatography in Positive and Negative modes. Typically >800 lipids are reported from ~30 lipid classes. Lipids are reported with their lipid class, total chain length, and total double bond count. A basic data analysis report with unsupervised visualization and differential analysis is included. Targeted lipidomics is available for specific individual lipid species with method development and additional costs. For complex study designs, we recommend investigators engage a statistician or consult with the Core if our statistician’s services are desired.
Shotgun Lipidomic (tissue)$408$385$347See description for Shotgun Lipidomics (biofluids). For tissues and other solid samples, data are normalized to accurate tissue weights (recorded at the Core). For cells, an accurate cell count is requested for normalization.


We Offer Access to State-of-the-Art Technology

  • Multiple high-resolution, high mass accuracy qTOF
  • High sensitivity triple-quad instruments for LC/MS
  • Mass unit resolution instruments for GC/MS
  • QQQ boasts a triple quadrupole performance known industry-wide for meeting quantitative requirements with sensitivity, renowned reliability, and overall system robustness
  • A laboratory information management system (MetLIMS) that captures study metadata, study samples, sample processing history, and final results
  • A bioinformatics and mathematical modeling infrastructure that visualizes and models complex omics-level interactions with the phenotype
Work With Us

How to Initiate a Project

The process for initiating a project with the Metabolomics Core varies depending on your institutional affiliation. In the appropriate section below, please review the guidelines and forms. Once the necessary steps are completed, your request will be reviewed. A consultation will be scheduled to review the project/experimental design with you and to provide a quote.

Refer to our rates for assay descriptions and standard pricing. 

For general guidelines in sample collection for metabolomics studies, and specific instructions on how to submit your samples, please download these important documents:

NOTE: For metabolomics experiments with smaller sample sets (<20) for common assays, there may be a delay in analysis. In order to maintain overall laboratory efficiency, small sets will be added to larger sample runs or pooled with other small sample sets for analysis. Core users may inquire about expedited analysis of smaller numbers of samples.

To request services, users must log in to MiCores. If you don’t already have an account, register for one here.

MiCores (iLabs software, part of Agilent Technologies) is an online system used by the U-M Medical School’s Biomedical Research Core Facilities (BRCF) to streamline the process of ordering and billing for core service requests. For instructions on setting up a MiCores account and tutorials on the system, visit the MiCores Learning Site.

Once you have a MiCores account, you must request access to the Metabolomics Core facility. Your institutional affiliation (i.e., 3a, 3b, or 3c below) will then determine how to proceed.

For general MiCores questions:
Call the HITS Service desk: (734) 936-8000
Select prompt #3
Select prompt #3 again

For password resets:
Call the HITS Service desk: (734) 936-8000
Select prompt #3
Select prompt #1

Or visit the HITS website for more assistance.

Metabolomics Project Request (U-M Affiliated)
Investigators affiliated with the University of Michigan will be charged the advertised rate for all services, and do not need to sign a contract. A U-M shortcode for billing is required when initiating any analyses.

Metabolomics Project Request (Non-U-M Investigator)
Investigators not affiliated with the University of Michigan will need to complete the MC Service Agreement below. After an initial consultation, an ‘Exhibit A’ will be drafted by the Core that specifies the scope and total costs for your project, and is part of the MC Service agreement.  A copy of U-M’s W9 form is also found below. These 3 documents (Exhibit A, Service Agreement, and W-9) should be forwarded to the appropriate authority at your institution. A PO number and copies of the signed contract must be e-mailed to the Core Administrator before services can be initiated. A surcharge will be applied to all external non-U-M customers. Contact the Director, Maureen Kachman, for more information.

Further information can be found in the documents listed below:

Services for All For-profit Institutions
A more elaborate contract is required for all for-profit clients. We can start with your standard contract, and negotiate some of the terms and conditions, if necessary with the U-M Office of Contract Administration.

Contact the Director, Maureen Kachman, to discuss details.

Our Leadership
Photo of Charles Burant, MD, PhD Charles Burant, M.D., Ph.D.
Faculty Director, Metabolomics Core
Photo of Charles Evans, PhD Charles Evans, Ph.D.
Associate Faculty Director, Metabolomics Core
Maureen Kachman, Ph.D. Maureen Kachman, Ph.D.
Director, Metabolomics Core
Contact Us
Metabolomics Core
Biomedical Research Core Facilities
6120 Brehm Tower
1000 Wall Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone Number: 734-232-0842
About Us

The Metabolomics Core is one of the Biomedical Research Core Facilities, and a part of the Medical School Office of Research, where our mission is to foster an environment of innovation and efficiency that serves the Michigan Medicine research community and supports biomedical science from insight to impact.

Upcoming Research Events All Office of Research Events
AI & Aging: Innovations and Challenges for Global Health
Join e-HAIL and the Michigan AI Lab for AI & Aging: Innovations & Challenges for Global Health - an in-person discussion on the opportunities and challenges of AI-powered tools and approaches to enable healthy aging globally.
e-HAIL discussion 24
Amendments and Continuing Reviews
This course is a follow-up to Initial Project Applications and will examine the process for submitting amendments and scheduled continuing reviews to IRBMED using eResearch once a project’s initial application has been approved.
A woman sitting at a desk participating in a zoom event
CTSO Education Program Listening Tour
The Clinical Trials Support Office is hosting a series of listening sessions dedicated to understanding the needs and preferences of investigators for training opportunities and resources.
Event runs February 07, 2025 - February 28, 2025
A person with a laptop and a cup of coffee participating in a zoom event
Flow and Cookies at NCRC
Help yourself to a cookie and learn how the Flow Cytometry Core can enhance your research. Core experts will speak about services and instrumentation capabilities.
Data and Safety Monitoring Boards and Data Safety Monitoring Plans
This course will review when studies are required to have a DSMP or DSMB and how to develop an appropriate DSMP. A DSMB is an independent group that advises the study team regarding subject safety, study conduct, and efficacy. The DSMB will also make recommendations concerning the continuation, modification, or termination of the trial. A DSMP outlines how subject safety and data integrity will be maintained to ensure the validity of collected data.
A person with a laptop and a cup of coffee participating in a zoom event
Storage and Retention of Data
This course will review the fundamentals of maintaining confidentiality of subject data, including data encryption and protection, using secure environments and external websites, and distinguishing among anonymized, coded, and de- identified datasets.
A woman participating in a zoom event
Lunch and Learn with Genesee Scientific
Have lunch on us while you learn about Genesee Scientific products and get free samples of Lab Essentials.
" "
Writing an NIH Specific Aims Page
The Grants Services and Analysis (GS&A) office at the University of Michigan Medical School Office of Research is pleased to invite U-M faculty, staff, and learners to attend a virtual workshop on Writing an NIH Specific Aims Page.
A person sits at a laptop at BSRB.
Introduction to sIRBs
This course will identify the Single IRB model for Multi-Site research, show the regulatory requirements of sIRB review and the exceptions to sIRB requirements, and explain sIRB requests of IRBMED as sIRB (accepting oversight), External IRB as sIRB (ceding oversight), and UofM as the Coordinating Center.
Someone using a laptop and a smart phone during a zoom meeting
Featured Research News All Office of Research News Photo of Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S.
Office of Research
Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S., Appointed Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the Medical School
Ron Chervin, M.D., M.S., appointed Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the Medical School, effective March 10, 2025.
FFMI Innovation Studio
Office of Research
Sign Up Today! Innovation Studio Offers Feedback on Your Biomedical Innovation
Join the Fast Forward Medical Innovation (FFMI) team for Innovation Studio, 30-minute virtual consultations that give life science innovators of all levels the chance to address project needs, challenges, or questions.
FFMI Nyati Rogel Innovation page
Office of Research
Applications Open for Rogel Cancer Center Innovation Program
Project-based consultations from experts in a variety of fields to address questions, needs, and resources