Single-Cell Processing
close up of Single-Cell Processing technology

General information, including sample requirements, for our single-cell solutions.

10X Genomics

The 10x Genomics Chromium Controller is a single-cell profiling technology that enables the analysis of large cell numbers at a high capture efficiency (of up to 65%). The platform allows for high-throughput analysis in a variety of cell types as well as single-cell nuclei. The workflow encapsulates cells or nuclei together with gel beads into nanodroplets (single-Poisson distribution loading). Trained core staff will prepare the libraries from single-cell suspensions submitted by the research investigator.


flowchart of 10X Genomics process
AssayGene ExpressionImmune ProfilingRNA FlexATACMultiome (Gene Expression + ATAC)
Description3' or 5' gene expression5’ gene expression with V(D)Jprobe-based whole transcriptome gene expressionchromatin accessibilitysimultaneous detection of mRNA and chromatin accessibility
cells or nucleicellsfixed cells, fixed nuclei, fixed tissue, FFPE tissuenucleinuclei
Cell Surface Protein
Cell Surface Protein
Antigen Specificity
BCR/TCR Sequencing
CRISPR Screening
Cell Surface ProteinScaleBio Pre-Indexing Kitnone
Cell Throughput20,000 cells per channel20,000 cells per channel320,000 cells per channel10,000 cells per channel10,000 cells per channel
diversehuman or mousehuman or mousediversediverse
Optimal Concentration Ranges1300-1600 cells/ul1300-1800 cells/ulNA - minimum total of 50K cells3000-8000 nuclei/ul3000-8000 nuclei/ul
Buffer Requirements

PBS+0.4% BSA recommended

Other standard media with no more than 10% FBS or 2% BSA; No EDTA

PBS+0.4% BSA recommended

Other standard media with no more than 10% FBS or 2% BSA; No EDTA

Quenching Buffer + Enhancer + 50% Glycerol from 10X Fixation kit1X Nuclei Buffer1X Nuclei Buffer with RNase Inhibitor and DTT

Single-cell data are analyzed with the Cell Ranger and Loupe Cell Browser software.

10X GENOMICS equipment


Feature Barcoding is the broad term used by 10x Genomics in order to describe any method that adds extra layers of information to cells by running single cell gene expression in parallel with other assays to gain useful biological information. Mostly this comes in two forms – looking for cells that are expressing certain proteins on the cell surface (CITE-seq) or using ubiquitous markers in order to pool different samples together into one channel of the chip (Cell Multiplexing/Cell Hashing).

flow chart of 10X Genomics Cell Multiplexing

Cell or nuclei samples can be labeled with a molecular tag and subsequently mixed with other labeled samples. The set of multiplexed samples are processed together in a single GEM well. After cell encapsulation, library preparation, and sequencing, molecular tag information is assigned to cells. Tag assignment enables identification of droplets that originally contained one (singlet) or more cells (multiplets). Cells assigned a given single tag are binned together, bioinformatically recapitulating the individual samples originally mixed together.

Advantages of Cell Multiplexing include:

  • Increased sample throughput in a single experiment
  • Increased number of cells assayed in a single experiment
  • Increased number of possible replicates in a single experiment
  • Detection of multiplets and their removal prior to analysis

As part of their TotalSeq antibody catalog, BioLegend offers this technology through antibody-oligonucleotide conjugates that can be used for both CITE-seq and Cell Hashing. Antibodies come in three formats that differ in their capture sequence for library preparation so pay close attention to which antibody catalog you use. These are limited to Human and Mouse samples.

  • TotalSeq A is compatible with any Single Cell RNA-seq product that uses poly(dT) for mRNA capture. This is the format originally used in the CITE-seq protocol. At this time, the 10X Genomics analysis pipeline (CellRanger) does not support the processing of the protein derived libraries. Data must be analyzed using the R based Seurat package.
  • TotalSeq B is specifically designed to be compatible with the newer 10X Genomics Single Cell 3’ v3  reagents used in the core and is fully supported by the 10x Genomics CellRanger software. These antibody oligos are complementary to a unique capture sequence on the Single Cell 3′ v3 Gel Beads so antibody barcodes do not compete for the oligo(dT)s capturing the mRNA.
  • TotalSeq C is specifically designed to be compatible with the 10X Single Cell 5′ workflow used in the Immune Profiling kit. It is also fully supported by 10x Genomics CellRanger software run.

If using 10X Genomics single cell 3′ GEX, TotalSeq B antibodies and/or hashtags are the best way to go! 

Frequently Asked Questions

This 10X Genomics Technical Note discusses how sequencing depth and cell number influence the detection of major cell types in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).

Yes, we offer viability only appointment slots for you to check your cell dissociation method before using experimental cells. Select “viability/count only” as your assay type when filling out the MiCores 10X appointment request form. We ask that you bring a maximum of four samples for the appointment.

The 10X minimum recommendations are as follows:

  • ATAC – 25,000 reads/cell
  • Gene Expression (3’ and 5’) – 20,000 reads/cell
  • Immune Profiles (B and T cells) – 5,000 reads/cell
  • ADTs and HTOs – 5,000 reads/cell

This is dependent on which analysis you would like to do.

  • ATAC – Your nuclei must be in 1X Nuclei Buffer from 10X Genomics. We have this buffer available for you to pick up from us prior to your appointment time.
  • CNV (Single Cell DNA/Copy Number Variation) – Cells must be in a buffer that contains no more than 0.04% BSA or 10% FBS. Supported buffers and media include: PBS+0.04%BSA, HBSS+0.04%BSA, EMEM+10%FBS, DMEM+10%FBS, RPMI+10%FBS, Hams F12+10%FBS, IMDM+10%FBS, DMEM:F12+10%FBS
  • Gene Expression and Immune Profiling – Both of these assays are compatible with a wide variety of buffers and media. Some examples are: EMEM+10%FBS, DMEM+10%FBS, RPMI+10%FBS, Hams F12+10%FBS, DMEM:F12+10%FBS, M199.

Absolutely. Some things to keep in mind when sorting your cells prior to bringing them:

  • FACS will overestimate the number of cells on average by 50%. One way to mitigate this problem is to stain your cells with Ruby. This will separate the cells from debris and make the count much more accurate.
  • Your cells may not like to stay in FACS buffer. You can sort into a full media that is compatible with your cells, and resuspend them in a compatible media afterward.
  • Your cells will likely be very dilute when they come out of the sorter. You will likely want to concentrate them before coming to the Core.

Yes, we support CITE-seq (ADT) and cell hashing (HTO) libraries. 10X Genomics refers to these as Feature Barcoded libraries. We primarily work with the BioLegend TotalSeq suite of antibodies, but are willing to work with your project. One recommendation is that if you are FACS sorting, simultaneously stain your cells with the FACS antibodies as well as the single cell antibodies.

Parse Biosciences (Fixed)

The Parse Biosciences platform uses split-pool combinatorial barcoding to profile single-cell transcriptomes without the use of microfluidic instrumentation. The individual cells themselves function as compartments during multiple rounds of splitting, pooling, and ligation to generate different barcode combinations unique to each cell’s set of transcripts.

Assay Requirements

  • fixed cells or nuclei (using Parse Biosciences Fixation kit and following manufacturer’s protocol)

Fixed samples can be stored at -80 for up to 6 months prior to submission to the AGC for barcoding, library prep, and sequencing. Each prep contains enough barcodes to uniquely label up to one hundred thousand cells, which can be divided across 1-48 samples.

flowchart of Parse Biosciences
Frequently Asked Questions

The Parse Biosciences platform uses both random hexamer and oligo (dT) primers during reverse transcription so full length transcripts (albeit with a slight 3′ bias) are targeted for sequencing.

For best results, cells should be 80-90% viable going into fixation.

Parse Biosciences recommends a minimum of 20,000 reads/cell. Ultimately sequencing depth will depend on the transcriptional activity of your cells.

Scale Biosciences
ScaleBio Single Cell RNA

The ScaleBio RNA Sequencing Kit enables transcriptome analysis by incorporating an upfront cell fixation process along with a split-pooling strategy. This approach ensures accurate profiling of RNA transcripts across a broad range of samples.

Key Features:

  • Compatibility: Species agnostic and suitable for multiplexing up to 96 samples, catering to a diverse array of research needs.
  • Throughput: The standard kit radically accelerates your research by supporting 125,000 cells, while the extended throughput variant advances your capacity to a staggering 500,000 cells or nuclei in one go.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines the single cell RNA sequencing process, significantly reducing hands-on time and complexity.
ScaleBio ATAC Pre-Indexing Kit

The ScaleBio ATAC Pre-Indexing Kit integrates seamlessly with the 10x Genomics single nuclei ATAC processing system, bringing to the table unmatched depth and breadth in chromatin accessibility studies.

Key Features:

  • Throughput: Target up to 300,000 nuclei with precision across 8 GEM reactions.
  • Innovative Barcoding: Upfront barcoding during the tagmentation step enables superior loading onto the 10x Chromium Device, optimizing your results.
  • Compatibility: Designed to complement and maximize the capabilities of the 10x Genomics ecosystem.
Takara SMART-Seq

For full transcriptome single-cell sequencing, the AGC offers direct cell lysis processing. Users will sort cells into individual wells containing lysis buffer on a 96-well plate. After sorting, the plates can be frozen until such time that the user is ready to submit samples to the core for library prep and sequencing. Library prep uses a template-switching method to generate full-length cDNAs (SMART-seq) and subsequent library construction. This process provides full-length transcript coverage, allowing for more in-depth analyses, including variant calling and isoform detection.

Assay Requirements

  • Kit specific lysis buffer (pre-aliquoted plates can be picked up from the AGC)
  • Sort cells in ≤1 µl of nuclease-free water PBS

Cells should be deposited directly into the lysis plate. We strongly encourage the incorporation of a positive and negative control. The negative control should be an aliquot of your cell sorting buffer. The positive control well (H12) should be left blank for AGC staff to place a control RNA sample.

The plate (with deposited cells) is stable at -80 for up to three months so can safely be transferred back to the core on dry ice.

Diagram of SMART-Seq processing
Mission Bio

The Mission Bio Tapestri instrument uses a two-step microfluidic workflow to access DNA and proteins in single cells. DNA and oligo-conjugates are first isolated from the cells. Next, multiplex PCR is used to amplify targets.

flow chart on How Tapestri Works


Sample Requirements

Workflow DNA Only DNA + Protein
Cell Viability >80% >90%
Cell concentration 3000-4000 cells/μl 6000-10000 cells/μl
Total volume 50 μl 100 μl

Book an appointment! Detailed sample submission instructions can be downloaded here. Single-cell data are analyzed with the Tapestri Pipeline.

Tapestri Ready-to-ship panels:

**Build-to-order and custom options also available. Information can be found on here.**

DNA panels can be combined with BioLegend TotalSeq-D antibodies to obtain genotype and phenotype data from the same cells across thousands of cells.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer viability only appointment slots for you to check your cell dissociation method before using experimental cells. Select “viability/count only” as your assay type when filling out the MiCores Single Cell Appointment request form. We ask that you bring a maximum of four samples for the appointment.

Absolutely. Some things to keep in mind when sorting your cells prior to bringing them:

  • FACS will overestimate the number of cells on average by 50%. One way to mitigate this problem is to stain your cells with Ruby. This will separate the cells from debris and make the count much more accurate.
  • Your cells may not like to stay in FACS buffer. You can sort into a full media that is compatible with your cells, and resuspend them in a compatible media afterward.
  • Your cells will likely be very dilute when they come out of the sorter. You will likely want to concentrate them before coming to the Core.

Yes! The Tapestri platform is compatible with BioLegend TotalSeq-D antibodies.

Alcohol-based fixatives, such as acetic acid, EtOH, and MeOH, are compatible with the technology.

Contact Us
Room 122
NCRC Building 14
University of Michigan
2800 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
About Us
The Advanced Genomics Core is one of the Biomedical Research Core Facilities, and a part of the Medical School Office of Research, where our mission is to foster an environment of innovation and efficiency that serves the Michigan Medicine research community and supports biomedical science from insight to impact.