Advancing Science
The CCMB is a university-wide interdisciplinary academic center and a leader in the entire spectrum of biomedical informatics disciplines.
Interdisciplinary Research in Bioinformatics, Biomedical Data Science, and Translational Precision Health Informatics
The Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (CCMB) provides a collaborative structure for interdisciplinary research in biomedical informatics. CCMB members are experts in a variety of disciplines including bioinformatics, biomedical data science, and translational precision health informatics.

CCMB members are experts across schools, departments, and areas of research.
The 140+ faculty members affiliated with CCMB come from different U-M schools and colleges (Medical School, College of Engineering (COE), College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA), College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, and School of Information).
About half of the faculty of CCMB study mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, bioinformatics, and biostatistics, with a focus on the theoretical foundation and methodology of bioinformatics. The other half applies cutting-edge biomedical informatics in their research and are based in the biological sciences, chemistry, psychology, and basic science and clinical departments in the U-M Medical School.
CCMB faculty members are available to co-mentor graduate students in DCMB’s Bioinformatics Graduate Program (BGP).
With DCMB, CCMB offers a weekly Bioinformatics Seminar Series, during Fall and Winter Terms. CCMB is coordinated by DCMB.
The weekly CCMB Seminar Series focuses on basic and applied bioinformatics topics, and is sponsored by The Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB)
Omenn Lecture series features high-profile scientists discussing a variety of scientific topics.

Harold T Shapiro Distinguished University Professor of Medicine
Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Human Genetics
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology
Associate Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
- Ahmed, Omar J
LSA Psychology - Athey, Brian D
MM Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics; MM Psychiatry Department - Aton, Sara Jo
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology - Barmada, Sami
MM Neurology Department - Barolo, Scott
MM Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies; MM Cell & Developmntal Biology - Bartsch, Johann Gagnon
LSA Statistics - Bloch, Anthony M
LSA Mathematics - Boehnke, Michael Lee
Biostatistics Department - Booth, Victoria
LSA Mathematics; MM Anesthesiology Department; MM Neuroscience Graduate Program - Brenner, Chad
MM Pharmacology Department; MM Otolaryngology - Brooks, Charles L
LSA Chemistry; LSA Biophysics; CoE Macromolecular Science & Engineering - Burant, Charles
MM Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes, MM Molecular & Integrative Physiology; MM Taubman Research Institute - Burns, Daniel M
LSA Mathematics - Camper, Sally A.
MM Human Genetics Department; MM Internal Medicine - Genetic Medicine - Chandrasekaran, Sriram
MM Biomedical Engineering - Chang, Andrew C
MM Thoracic Surgery Section - Cheung, Vivian
MM Human Genetics Department; MM Pediatrics-Neurology - Chinnaiyan, Arul M
MM Pathology Department; MM Urology - Clowney, E Josie
LSA Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - Colacino, Justin Adam
SPH Environmental Health Sciences; Nutritional Sciences; Program in the Environment; School for Environment and Sustainability - Dick, Gregory James
School for Environment and Sustainability CIGLR - Douville, Nicholas Joseph
MM Anesthesiology Department - Duhaime, Melissa
LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Evans, Charles
MM Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes - Feldman, Eva L
MM Neurology Department - Galban, Craig J
MM Department of Radiology - Ganesh, Santhi K
MM Human Genetics Department; MM Internal Medicine - Cardiology; MM Internal Medicine - Genetic Medicine - Gardner, Thomas
MM Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes; MM Ophthalmology & Visual Science; MM Molecular & IntegrativePhysiology - Garikipati, Krishna
CoE Mechanical Engineering - Gaynanova, Irina
Biostatistics Department - Glotzer, Sharon C
CoE Chemical Engineering Department; Materials Science & Engineering; LSA Physics; CoE Macromolecular Science & Engineering - Gonzalez, Richard D
Institute for Social Reseach Resarch Center for Group Dynamics; LSA Psychology; LSA Statistics - Alex Gorodetsky
Aerospace Engineering; College of Engineering - Gull, Emanuel
LSA Physics - Gumucio, Deborah L
MM Cell & Developmental Biology - Hanauer, David Alan
School of Information; MM Department of Learning Health Sciences Administration; MM Pediatrics - Primary Care - Hara, Toshiro
MM Neurosurgery - He, Yongqun - Oliver
MM MSA Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine - Heemskerk, Idse
LSA Physics; MM Cell & Developmental Biology; LSA Biophysics - Hero, Alfred O
MM Biomedical Engineering; LSA Statistics; CoE EECS - ECE Division - Hollon, Todd Charles
Student Fellows in Medicine; MM Neurosurgery - Iyer, Matthew K
MM Pathology Department; MM Graduate Student Admissions - Administration - Jackson, Trachette L
LSA Mathematics; UMOR Office of VP for Research - Jagadish, H V
EECS - CSE Division; UMOR MI Institute for Data Science; Michigan Insititute for Data & AI in Society - Jiang, Hui
SPH Biostatistics Department - Ju, Wenjun
MM Internal Medicine - Nephrology - Kaciroti, Niko
SPH Biostatistics Department; MM Pediatrics - Administration - Kaczorowski, Catherine
MM Neurology Department - Kang, Hyun Min
SPH Biostatistics Department - Kardia, Sharon Reilly
Epidemiology Department; Sch of Public Health - Dean's Office - Keller, Evan T
MM MSA Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine; MM Pathology Department; MM Urology - Kirschner, Denise E
MM Microbiology and Immunology - Knight, Jason
MM Internal Medicine - Rheumatology - Korley, Frederick Kofi
MM Emergency Medicine UM Adult; MM Emergency Medicine - Koutra, Danai
COE EECS - CSE Division - Kozik, Ariangela
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology; MM Internal Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care - Krasny, Robert
LSA Mathematics - Kumar, Anuj
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology; - Larson, Ronald G
CoE Macromolecular Science & Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering Department - Lasisi, Tina
LSA Anthropology; LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Lastoskie, Christian M
CoE Civil & Environmental Engineering - Lee, Jun Hee
MM Institute of Gerontology; MM Molecular & Integrative Physiology - Lee, Tzumin
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology; Life Sciences Institute; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Li, Gen
SPH Biostatistics Department - Lin, Nina
CoE Chemical Engineering Department - Ljungman, Mats E D
Environmental Health Sciences; MM Radiation Oncology - Lubensky, David K
LSA Physics; LSA Biophysics - Magliano, Marina Pasca Di
MM Cell & Developmental Biology; MM GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) - Marand, Alexandre
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology - Martin, Brendt
College of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry - Mathis, Michael
MM Anesthesiology Department - McInnis, Melvin G
MM Psychiatry Department; MM DLHS Administration - Meng, Fan
MM Psychiatry Department; MM Michigan Neuroscience Institute - Merajver, Sofia D
Epidemiology Department; MM Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology - Miller, Richard A
MM Institute of Gerontology; MM Pathology Department - Moran, John V
MM Human Genetics Department; MM Internal Medicine - Genetic Medicine
- Nair, Viji
MM Int Med-Nephrology - Newton, Roger Schofield
MM Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics - Noll, Doug
MM Biomedical Engineering; MM Department of Radiology; Functional MRI Lab (fMRI) - Norman, Joseph W
MM Internal Medicine - Hospital Medicine - Nuttle, Xander
MM Human Genetics - Omenn, Gilbert S
MM Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics; MM Human Genetics Department; MM Internal Medicine - Genetic Medicine; Environmental Health Sciences - Orr, Bradford G
LSA Physics - Pennathur, Subramaniam
MM Internal Medicine - Nephrology; MM Molecular & Integrative Physiology; MM Internal Medicine Department - Peruzzi, Michele
SPH Biostatistics Department - Prensner, John Robert
MM Pediatrics-Hematology Oncology; MM Biological Chemistry Department - Rao, Rajesh
MM Ophthalmology & Visual Science, MM Pathology Department; MM Human Genetics Department - Regier, Jeffrey
LSA Statistics - Richardson, Rudy J
- Ried, Thomas Karl
- Rosania, Gustavo
College of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science - Ruotolo, Brandon Thomas
LSA Chemistry - Sawalha, Amr H
MM Internal Medicine - Rheumatology - Schloss, Patrick D
MM Microbiology and Immunology - Scott, Clayton D
CoE EECS - ECE Division; LSA Statistics - Scott, Laura
SPH Biostatistics Department - Sen, Srijan
MM Psychiatry Department; MM Michigan Neuroscience Institute; MM Eisenberg Family Depression - Sept, David
CoE Biomedical Engineering; LSA Biophysics - Shedden, Kerby A
LSA Statistics - Sherman, David H
College of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry; LSA Chemistry; Life Sciences Institute; MM Microbiology and Immunology - Shi, Xu
SPH Biostatistics Department - Simon, Carl P
LSA Mathematics; Complex Systems; Public Policy - Sjoding, Michael W
MM Internal Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care - Smith, Stephen A
LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; LSA Biology - Snitkin, Evan Sean
MM Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases; MM Microbiology and Immunology - Srinivasan, Ashok
MM Department of Radiology - Sripada, Sekhar Chandra
LSA Philosophy; MM Psychiatry Department; LSA Linguistics: Weinberg ICS - Stern, Tomer
Dentistry Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics - Stidham, Ryan
MM Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology Stringer, Kathleen A
College of Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy; MM Internal Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical CareSztain, Terra
College of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry; LSA Biophysics- Tewari, Muneesh
MM Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology; MM Biomedical Engineering - Tomlins, Scott Arthur
MM Pathology Department; MM Urology - Toogood, Peter
College of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry; Life Sciences Institute - Varga, John
MM Internal Medicine - Rheumatology; MM Dermatology Department; MM Internal Medicine Department - Violi, Angela
CoE Mechanical Engineering EECS - ECE Division; Chemical Engineering Department - Vydiswaran, VG Vinod
MM DLHS Division of LKS - Waldhaus, Joerg
MM Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery - Walter, Nils G
LSA Chemistry; LSA Biophysics; MM Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies; MM Biological Chemistry Department - Wang, Naisyin
LSA Statistics - Wang, Shaomeng
College of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry; MM Int Med-Hematology/Oncology; MM Pharmacology Department - Wang, Yixin
LSA Statistics - Ward, Kevin Ralph
MM Biomedical Engineering; MM Emergency Medicine UM Adult - Watson, Brendon Omar
MM Psychiatry Department - Watson, Stanley J
MM Psychiatry Department; MM Michigan Neuroscience Institute - Weidmann, Chase Andrew
MM Biological Chemistry Department - Werner, Thomas Bernd
MM Internal Medicine - Nephrology - Wicha, Max S
MM Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology - Wiens, Jenna
CoE EECS - CSE Division - Wierzbicki, Andrzej Tomasz
LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology - Wilson, Thomas E
MM Human Genetics Department; MM Pathology Department - Wittkopp, Trisha
LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; LSA Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology; LSA Dean: Dean's Office - Woods, Robert
MM Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases - Xiao, Yang
MM Pathology Department - Yang, Qiong
LSA Biophysics; LSA Physics; MM Cell & Developmental Biology - Zaman, Luis
LSA Complex Systems - Zhang, Jianzhi
LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Zhang, Xinjun
MM Human Genetics Department; LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Zhou, Xiang
Biostatistics Department - Zhu, Ji
LSA Statistics - Zochowski, Michal R
LSA Physics; LSA Biophysics - Zoellner, Sebastian K
Biostatistics Department; MM Psychiatry Department