Aerial view of University of Michigan Health hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine: Health Services, Outcomes & Policy Program

The Health Services, Outcomes & Policy program seeks to characterize and improve the outcomes of patients with pulmonary disease and critical illness, and to understand and improve quality, safety, and effectiveness of health care delivered to such patients at the national, state and local level.

Program Overview

We are leaders in defining the field of survivorship after critical illness, particularly defining long-term outcomes after severe sepsis. Another focus of the program aims to understand the drivers of ICU admission and characterize the causes and consequences of over or under use of this expensive resource. We are particularly active around ARDS, severe sepsis, mechanical ventilation, delirium, sedation, nosocomial infections, early mobility and the effective organization of ICU care. This research program has a diversified and robust portfolio of multiple federal, nonprofit and industry-sponsored projects.

We are intensely interdisciplinary, closely integrating with other health services researchers including biostatisticians, health economists, implementation scientists, and sociologists from across the University of Michigan. Our research activities span the spectrum including clinical epidemiology, clinical trials, cost-effectiveness analysis, econometric analysis, multilevel modeling and secondary data analysis, network analysis, organizational science, policy analysis, qualitative research, survey research, and rigorous quality improvement. Faculty within this program are also closely affiliated with other centers, including:

The program also provides opportunities for training in the methods of clinical and health services research including the internationally renowned U-M School of Public Health (SPH) and the U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation (IHPI) Clinician Scholars Program. Graduates of the programs obtain a Master's Degree in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis (SPH) or a Master's Degree in Health and Healthcare Research (IHPI), and have successfully won NIH and foundation career development awards.